Get Personalized T-Shirt & Miniature Crate In SEPT

By Rob Baer | September 9th, 2022 | Categories: Uncategorized

t-shirt-promo-hor-patreonGet a free personalized t-shirt and miniatures crate shipped to you each month for September’s Patreon offering!

It’s pretty simple, all you have to do is grab an annual subscription at any level of our Patreon, and you’ll get a free custom shirt. So, if you’ve been on the fence about grabbing a subscription, this might just be the little extra push you need.

There are three different styles of T-shirts to choose from and plenty of sizes, so there is something for everyone. Let’s check out the details!

Get a Personalized T-Shirt & More With Our Patreon!

t-shirt-promo-for-patreon-pageHere’s how it works, just select pay annually when you sign up, and you can store a free custom t-shirt.

For any new annual membership, we will send you a customized T-shirt with whatever name or moniker you want on the back of it!

You can choose from the following shirts in any size up to 3XL for no extra charge:

  • Long War 2015 Classic
  • Tiny Titans
  • Spikey Bits Logo

All you have to do is sign up annually for one of the subscription levels below and then message us with what name or online handle you want on the back of your shirt!

Summer Hobby Special: FREE $25 GIFT!

Don’t forget that most new supporters will also get a free gift for supporting us on Patreon as well!

Get a Free $25 gift from us right now! Just sign up for any of the miniature crate tiers ($35, $45, $60, $100, or $200) before the end of this month; you’ll also get a free gift from our hobby product vault valued at $25 in addition to all the other membership rewards this month!

Plus, you’ll have access to download a sampler of 3d Miniature STLs from some of the top artists out there.

group-pic patreon 3d printsView The Full 3D Miniature Designs Here

You’ll also get a copy of our exclusive manufacturer discount codes so you can save $$$ every time you shop!

Pledges of $35 or more will get a miniatures crate back in the mail as often as once every month with your choice of game system and faction (like Warhammer), with shipping included as part of your membership!

Patreon Spikey Bits LogoClick Here To Join Now & Get a Shipment THIS Month!