How to Play Chaos Daemons In Warhammer 40k & Rules Review

How to play Chaos Daemons 40k CodexHere’s how to play Chaos Daemons from their 9th edition Warhammer 40k Codex including their latest rules and models.

Let’s start off by looking at the new releases for the Chaos Daemons and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

40k Daemons Combat Patrol: $150

Get your Chaos combat patrol for less on Amazon or eBay

Combat Patrol Chaos Daemons

The daemonic onslaught intensifies, with a Combat Patrol set focused on Khorne. Get the blood flowing with this hefty collection of 34 miniatures, which can be built to reach a Power Level of up to 33 and get you gaming straight away. This Combat Patrol-sized force is led by a fearsome Bloodmaster, ably supported by three Bloodcrushers mounted on Juggernauts, 10 slavering Flesh Hounds, and 20 Bloodletters – making a spectacular basis for a Khornate horde.

Unfortunately, they only grabbed a Combat Patrol and not an army box, but there is some value inside if you want to start a Khorne army.

How to Play Chaos Daemons Warhammer 40k Codex & Rules Review

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Chaos Daemons rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Chaos Daemons codex!

New Chaos Daemons Codex FAQ

Chaos Daemons FAQ

One of the biggest changes is right up top. Before, taking Be’lakor would give you access to all the Warp Storm effects, which more or less made him an auto-include because having every Warp Storm effect is pretty insane.

This stops you from taking the Supreme Command detachment just to get all the effects. Then, some wording was changed. For example, Brass Stampede says each instead of on a, meaning you’ll actually be able to do more mortals.

Armor of Scorn importantly added the Daemonic saving throw line because before that, technically, it did nothing, considering the saves say they cannot be changed in any way.

Chaos Daemons FAQ 2

The biggest change (or clarification, really) is probably to Malefic Weapons. Because of this, it now means you cannot modify the attacks with things like Armor of Contempt, Disgustingly Resilient, etc… This also does mean Plague of Rust will do nothing to them. However, if something modifies a roll to hit, they will still have the same effect.

Some pretty big changes overall, and probably a good NERF to Be’lakor.

You can download the full FAQ here and check out all the changes!

Chaos Daemons Faction Wide Rules & Abilities

chaos daemons datasheet abilities

Right off the bat, we’ve got a few keywords for each of the four gods.

There are also some great additions here in the rules! Daemons are no longer summoned and are instead manifested! Manifestation allows for daemons to go from reserves and deep strike onto the field closer than 9″ under certain circumstances… Those are within 6″ of a warp locus, deep striking near an enemy with lower leadership in No Man’s Land. or inside of your deployment zone,

Another huge change here is the removal of Daemon Saves… No more 5+ invulnerable on every Daemon. Instead, Daemonic Invulnerability makes it so that every Daemon has Daemon Saves, which give different saves to ranged and Melee incoming damage. The trick here is that they can NEVER be modified, meaning they aren’t affected by AP or cover!

It’ll be interesting to see how this impacts strategy, but it does seem to simplify it a little bit and should prove for more hap-hazard charges like Chaos always intended! I mean, who wants to see Daemons hiding in cover anyways?

Malefic Weapons are essentially extra weapons that daemons can use in combat. The neat thing about these is that they are unaffected by EVERYTHING. It will always be the same weapon swinging the same number of times for the same stats. Pretty similar to Dakka for Orks.

chaos daemons datasheet abilities 2

The last two are pretty on the theme, with Daemonic Terror giving nearby models -1 leadership and -1 to attrition tests; daemons are scary, ya know? And lastly, Warp Storm is a new faction mechanic, which we will review below!

In short, they provide a ton of new things and help you feel rewarded for devoting yourself to mono-faction Chaos Daemon lists.

New Chaos Daemons Detachment Rules

Chaos Daemons Detachment abilities

Similarly to the Eldar before them, thanks to Daemonic Allies. Chaos Daemons can now be allied with other Chaos lists so long as it’s less than 25% of the total power level of the list without forcing you to lose the list’s faction bonuses.

Daemonic Pact

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There are also some standard updates, as seen in 9th, like, Troops gaining Obsec (except swarm units, sorry, Nurlgings). Luckily for a lot of players, though, there wasn’t a limit placed on Greater Daemons (well, except that you have to take a herald for each)! A ton of factions saw some faction hierarchy implemented in list construction to limit certain types of models this edition, but not Daemons!

New Chaos Daemons Warpstorm Rules

Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Effects

The power of a Warp Storm ebbs and flows, and you’ll never quite know how much magical mojo you’ll have at your command until the turn begins. It’s as simple as rolling eight dice and counting how many 4+ you score – a good turn will bestow plenty of Warp Storm points (or WSPs), but there’s always the chance Tzeentch will trip you up and leave your eddies becalmed.

Warp Storm effects are the reward for playing ONLY Daemons. Each Battle Round, you’ll get to roll eight dice, and for every 4+, you get a Warp Storm Point; these can then be spent on various effects, with unspent points being lost at the end of that round.

All lists access the Undivided options, with a dedicated detachment required to use each God-specific option.

In general, it’s not insane to use the more expensive four and 5-point options, but you should only plan to use 2s and 3s since those are almost guaranteed every Battle Round. This is built around Chaos, and randomness is one way to reinforce that concept into the faction on the tabletop.

Of the Undivided options, the two strong options look like Dark Invigoration as the only 5-point option and Otherwordly Tread for 2 points. Dark Invigoration heals each Daemon unit D3 wounds, or if they are one wound models, they get D3 models returned, which is a fantastic ability if you get it mid-game.

Otherworldy Tread makes your units unaffected by charge and advance modifiers in the movement or charge phase (you pick one), which is great since most daemons want to get into melee combat to do their jobs.

Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Effects 2

Khorne’s best option appears to be Fury of Khorne for 4 points giving all Khorne models +1 attack for a fight phase, which is exactly what Khorne needs!

On the other hand, Nurgle has Swarming Insects for 4 points, which gives Nurgle units +1 to hit in the fight phase!

Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Effects 3

Tzeentch has access to Sorcerous Winds giving your Tzeentch Psykers +1 on their tests that turn, making them even better at casting those powers.

Slaanesh has some great options, but overall, Lightning Speed is probably the best for 3 points giving all Slaanesh units +1 to Advance and Charge rolls!

New Khorne Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Exalted Bloodthirsters

Exalting Greater Daemons costs points now instead of CP, and thank the Chaos gods for that! For Bloodthirsters, Indomitable Onslaught looks the best as it prevents your giant Daemon from getting deleted from the table in one phase, which is a very good ability considering most lists have one thing they excel at, whether that be shooting or casting psychic powers, both of which Khorne can’t do much about.

Khorne Warlord Traits

Khorne Warlord Traits offers some decent options, but Rage Incarnate looks incredible. Khorne always wants to get into melee, and getting to buff your warlord (who is more than likely an Exalted Bloodthirster), and help out nearby Core make the journey too! After that, the blood can start to flow!

Khorne Relics

For Relics, Blood-Drinker Talisman is great and pairs especially well if you Exalt your Bloodthirster like we recommended, making him even harder to kill! Regaining a potential six wounds in each combat can be huge!

Khorne Stratagems

For Khorne’s Stratagems, Frenetic Bloodlust is great! Getting an extra pile-in is quite awesome, or you can even get another free move, so just super strong and will let you get further into combat or closer to combat for cheap!

New Nurgle Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Nurgle Exalted Great Unclean Ones

Great Unclean Ones get to keep an iconic Nurgle power, but only through their Exalted abilities now. Revoltingly Resilient is a very strong option making all damage -1 to them. It’s slightly different than before but still extremely strong.

Nurgle warlord traits

Nurgle’s Warlord Traits have a few options to consider; however, Virulent Touch is most likely the best. It makes your Warlords melee attacks auto-wound! Just an objectively strong trait removing some variance from combat.

Nurgle relics

Relics give access to The Endless Gift, which has the power to heal an increasing number of wounds each round, an especially good option on hard-to-kill models that will stick around.

Nurgle Stratagems

As for Stratagems, Swarming Flies is going to be a staple that’s used often. In the shooting or fight phase, make a unit -1 to hit. Extremely good, even if it is a little expensive. This may always will be a go-to.

New Slaanesh Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Slaanesh exalted Keeper of Secrets

For Slaanesh, Exalted Keepers have three good options… but as with all things, one is probably best. Diaphanous Panoply makes it harder to kill with a -1 to wound rolls at range. That being said, if you run three, you’ll probably end up exalting all three and getting each ability.

Slaanesh warlord traits

Slaanesh Warlord Traits are, unfortunately, probably the weakest of the four gods, but Quicksilver Duellist is a strong option for Keeper of Secrets. Rerolling all hits and wound against characters is super strong, especially on a point-dense killing machine like a Keeper of Secrets.

Slaanesh Relics

Relics aren’t as hit or miss as warlord traits but have a few options at least to consider. That being said, Whip of Agony looks great, increasing its power and giving it a conditional auto-wound rule. Of course, if you can afford it, you’ll probably take multiple relics, so keep that in mind when looking these over!

Slaanesh stratagems

There are quite a few situational options for their Stratagems, and interestingly enough, all of them are 1CP! Truly an honor to the lord of excess (stratagems). That being said, Rapturious Standard is just value-giving an icon unit full hit re-rolls!

New Tzeentch Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Tzeentch Exalted Lords of Change

Tzeentch’s Exalted birds have access to some great effects, but Architect of Deception is probably the best overall, giving them a -1 to hit from ranged weapons, and a fantastic ability to prevent them from getting shot off the board too quickly.

Tzeentch Warlord Traits

As for Warlord Traits, Born of Sorcery is simple and strong, making it a good candidate for every Tzeentch list. Getting plus one on Psychic Tests is just good! Not to mention its ability to combo with the Infernal Gateway Psychic Power.

Tzeentch Relics

Relics bring in a few solid choices, but The Impossible Robe will continue to be a must-have on any big birds you might play. Being able to deny a heavy-hitting weapon from dealing any damage after your save fails is extremely powerful.

Tzeentch stratagems

As for Stratagems, Warp Portal is extremely strong, as extra mobility is always powerful. A new cheeky thing you can do is use it on Be’lakor! He has the necessary keyword, so free teleports on the big Daemon Prince!

New Chaos Daemons Psychic Powers 40k Codex Rules

Of course, as expected, there is no Khorne psychic discipline! So let’s look at the others.

Nurgle Psychic powers

These seem to have gotten better across the board, with Malodorous Pall looking like a tremendous competitive option. Removing ObSec from units can be very strong, especially when Nurglings and Beasts of Nurgle don’t have ObSec!

Slaanesh Psychic powers

All of their powers look decent for Slaanesh, but they lack any sort of Psyker casting buffs, so it may be a little less consistent to cast than the other God’s disciplines. Symphony of Pain looks great being able to knee-cap any opposing melee threats by forcing them to have -1 to hit and wound.

Tzeentch Psychic powers

Tzeentch is the king of Psychic powers, which continues here with great buff options and damage output options. Infernal Gateway looks like it might have the most potential thanks to the Warp Storm effects and Big-bird ability to buff casting, which will make it an 8+ to get the flat 3 damage outcome.

If you are taking a big bird, this is an easy take, as it will simply pump out insane damage potential.

Undivided Psychic powers

This discipline is especially nice because if Be’lakor is in your list, all Psykers gain access to these options! Shrouded Step is most likely the best option here. Redeploy options ALWAYS strong, especially in mixed Daemon lists where the range is often a lynchpin, making that extra mobility extremely valuable.

Chaos Daemons Datasheet 40k Codex Rules

There are a ton of datasheets in this book, so instead of covering all of them, we will just go over a few standouts that we’ve seen before or heard rumors about!

First up is the king of all Daemon Princes, Be’lakor!

Be'lakor datasheet

With this in mind, you can tell they wrote his previous datasheet, as nothing changed too much. However, he should be really tough now with a 4+/4+ unmodifiable save and -1 damage from shooting.

He still has tons of great special rules however, nothing he has works on vehicles, which is just interesting. With his unmodifiable save, a minus to hit, never re-rolling, Toughness 7, 20 Wounds, and -1 Damage against ranged attacks, he may be hard to take down with shooting.

It also looks like you still won’t be able to take other Daemon Princes with him, but that makes sense.

Soul Grinder datasheet

Marks appear to be essentially gone, but Soul Grinders got a mini ability to replace them:

  • Tzeentch – 4+/4+ save
  • Khorne – +2 attack
  • Nurgle – +1 toughness
  • Slaanesh – +4″ movement

Overall this looks pretty good with plenty of beef, good melee and shooting attacks, good buffs from the marks, and overall just cool!

Pink Horrors Datasheet

On the other hand(s), Pink Horrors are even squishier than before in close combat – but bullets and flames simply pass through their shifting forms as they blink in and out of existence. As with everything, this is by Tzeentch’s design – slaying one Horror just leaves you grappling with two more.

Pink Horrors having a 3+ invuln from shooting is actually pretty crazy. However, that’s offset by their 6+ in melee. Their profile isn’t changing much other than 3+ BS, which is nice, but again their LD goes down by one.

Burning chariot datasheet

The statline is pretty decent, and with a 4+/4+, it should have decent survivability. However, the real strength comes in with the shooting. Even though the three-shot profile doesn’t auto-hit, S9 at BS3, -4 AP, and D2 could dish out some serious damage.

However, the 2d6 shots auto-hitting a5 S6 and -2AP could wipe out big units of lightly armored units. In melee, it also has some decent stats, then when you consider the aura, it looks quite strong! We’ll just have to wait and see on points for how it really plays out.

Great Unclean One datasheet

At T9, W22, this is a seriously beefy boy. Bilesword has two profiles, Normal and Sweep. Normal is +1 Strength, D6 Damage, AP -3, 6’s auto wound.  Sweep is User Strength, AP-3, 1 Damage, and has twice the number of attacks as the user’s profile, which gives him more flexibility in combat targets!

He gives Nurgle CORE units rerolls, a standard change in the 9th edition…  Gear-wise, if he has a bell, he has a Necron-style resurrection action where he can bring Plague Bearers back, which is a pretty neat addition.

Epidemius datasheet

Luckily for those who thrive in the maelstrom, the fetters of chance aren’t the only way to earn Warp Storm points. For instance, the daemonic tallyman Epidemius counts up your kills and beseeches Nurgle for even more blessings.

This isn’t too crazy, but adding a point is pretty cool and very Nurgle-like.

Plaguebearers Datasheet

This turn of the rotting wheel means the forces of Nurgle lose their Disgustingly Resilient rule, which is replaced with a swollen Toughness stat, more Wounds, and those all-important daemonic saves.

Take the humble Plaguebearer, now more fecund than ever thanks to a hearty dose of Nurgle’s warp-phlegm and polish. 

So, going to 2 wounds, Toughness 5, 2 attacks, and a 5+/4+ is a huge improvement! They will be much harder to kill; with a 4+ from shooting and 5 Toughness, they will be even better for absorbing shots and sitting on objectives!

Beast of Nurgle Datasheet

Beasts of Nurgle have been lapping at the brackish pool of the Grandfather’s prized poxes, resulting in a boost right across their profile. 

They also got way improved! With two extra Strength, one extra Toughness, two more Wounds, basically max attacks all the time, and the 5+/4+! If you love Beasts of Nurgle, then you just got a huge boost!

Just giving them six attacks takes away some of the terrible variances and makes them way stronger, and then when you consider the other profile improvements, just an insane buff.

Grotesque Regeneration fully heals a Beast at the end of each phase, making them exceptionally resilient. Gooey Demise means that if someone does manage to squish one, it has a chance of popping like an acrid boil, dealing mortal wounds to all those unlucky enough to be caught in the foetid blast radius.

With seven wounds, you have to destroy these in one go, or everything is wasted! As of now, they just regenerate to full wounds at the end of every phase! So if you can’t kill them outright, don’t even bother attacking them!

Pretty wild. Then, they can explode, which is always fun.

Daemonettes datasheet

The Daemonettes now boil out of the warp faster and stronger than before. They can also shrug off more gunfire thanks to the new Daemonic Saves, meaning these lightning-fast killers are getting into close combat in record time.

Their claws gain an extra point of Armour Penetration, but lose their chance to rend right through armour – a small price to pay for Slaanesh’s other blessings.

So, they lose rend but get more natural AP, and with two extra attacks a piece, it should be pretty nice. Then, they get an increase in Strength and a huge 3″ movement buff. So they’ll be faster and stronger than ever before.

Their save is going to 5+/4+, however, with only one wound and T3, they will be one of the easiest daemons to kill.

Seekers datasheet

Seekers take this new burst of speed even further, combining the quicksilver speed of a Daemonette with the lashing tongue of a Steed of Slaanesh, and gaining a monstrous boost to their stats to shred unsuspecting victims before they know what’s hit them. 

Their updated Unholy Speed makes them especially quick on the assault, adding 1 to their charge rolls and – combined with their 16” move speed – ensuring no enemy is safe from melee for long.  

Gong to 16″ movement and adding +1 to charge, they should get across the battlefield in no time! Then, they get the buffs to toughness, strength, and attacks which should make them stronger than ever!

Bloodletters Datasheet

As you’d expect, Bloodletters care little about where the blood flows from in melee – and with those new stats, they’re even better at shedding it than before – but they make for a more challenging target at range. It might be their unnatural loping gait, or perhaps Khorne’s just too busy enjoying the spectacle of close combat to lend his protection?

On top of that, Bloodletters are getting way better with extra Strength, Toughness, and an attack. However, they are all going down by 1 LD.

Flesh Hounds Datasheet

We’ve already had a sneak peek at the blood-fuelled bulk-up in store for Bloodletters, but those hungry Flesh Hounds have also been at the protein – they’re gaining faster Movement, more Strength, and an extra Attack. This pairs up wonderfully with their new Savage Pounce ability, which confers extra Damage on their gore-drenched fangs if they’ve leapt into combat this turn.

They should be better than ever with better saves, more Strength, and another attack! Plus, they will be even stronger if you get them to charge!

Chaos Daemons Be’lakor Army of Renown & Points 40k Codex Rules

disciples of be'lakor

Many of these restrictions are similar to before, but one unique change about this Army of Renown is it now has its faction keyword! This makes it easy to add in a Chaos Knight Super Heavy!

However, the most notable downside is losing access to the Chaos Daemons Secondaries, which might not be that big of a deal.

Be'lakor stratagemsPretty much all of these are the same or very similar. The old stuff that was good is still good, though!

Chaos Daemons Wargear & Points 40k Codex Rules

Chaos Daemons Points 1

The most significant change by far for Tzeentch is the Flamers. They got buffs on their stats and are only 25 pts per model! These are going to be staples, more than likely, in most lists that can run them. Similarly, the Exalted Flamer that buffs nearby Flamers will likely also see a ton of play.

Chaos Daemons Points 2

Sadly the staple Nurglings in splash lists got hit a little bit here. They are a bit cheaper but losing ObSec hurts; also, losing the invulnerable save (as with all Daemons) might hurt them.

Chaos Daemons Points 4

Fiends got some changes, gaining some damage and durability but losing an ability… The good news is they went down in points, so they might just be good enough to run!

Chaos Daemons Points 5

Bloodletters went up in points and lost some flexibility since they are fielded in groups of 10 now; a little bit sad, but they are still the melee glass cannons that players know and love (it’s just harder to use them as a way to optimize list points now).

Chaos Daemons Points 3

Be’lakor has gone up in points a bit, but he did get a buff to his saves against ranged attacks so it might be okay. With his offense power being the same, he will function almost identically to how he used to, at a slightly higher point cost and with a little more survivability.

Here’s all the latest on all the new Chaos Daemons rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Chaos Daemons rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Chaos Daemons codex!

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