The Better Way To Release Warhammer 40k Codex Books

The Better Way To Release Warhammer 40k Codex BooksHere is a better way that Games Workshop could release their Warhammer 40k Codex books to give players value and grow the hobby.

We’ve been saying it for a while now, but the price of getting into the game of Warhammer 40k can be a bit high for newer players, especially when you consider how much just getting the rules actually is.

We recently looked at how much it would cost to buy every codex and supplement, which is not pretty.

Plus, with how many free resources are out there for rules right now, books aren’t even as needed anymore.  That being said, we have a way Games Workshop could get more people into the game, give hobbyists more value, and make the books feel special.

The Better Way To Release Warhammer 40k Codex Books

Leagues of Votann codexSo, with all that said, what could Games Workshop actually do to make Codex Book releases provide more value for hobbyists?

First, they could give out the rules for free online. Just like they do with the initial rules and FAQs, there would just be a section for codex rules. Let’s face it, every codex book’s rules are DOA on releases, as every single one is updated significantly within 30 days.

Putting out the rules for free online would make it easy for new players to see the rules and would probably make more new and existing hobbyists buy more armies.

Instead of investing $55 in a codex just to see what the army does, this would free up that cash for at least a box of new miniatures instead. Perhaps most compelling is that so many other rule systems already do this; it would just bring GW on par with many other existing games.

However, many customers still want to purchase source material for “their” army, which is where the next part is genius, in our opinion.

Games Workshop could release a “codex” that is half lore (which it already basically is), and the other half would be dedicated painting guides, army showcases, and a battle report featuring the studio army!


So if you really love the faction, you still buy the book (or even a “collectors edition” with more tokens and trinkets, etc) for all the lore and cool stuff!

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Warhammer 40k Codex Books Bonus

Lastly, to make more hobbyists inclined actually to buy the book in this new format, they could all come with one little sprue (with a full model on it) for the faction- just like they already do for the miniature of the month!

This would let you try out a miniature for the faction, see if you like painting them, work on your paint scheme, and just give you that little extra value that makes you feel good!

Silver Templars Painting GuideIt would basically cost Games Workshop nothing as they already make digital painting guides and a sprue for the miniature of the month! Heck, just a few years back, they sold printed painting guides and still produce the same thing in almost every issue of White Dwarf as well.

More importantly, it would make buying codex or Battletome books feel good again. As we said, at this point, there are so many resources to get the rules for free; the $55 codex structure just seems old and outdated and, if anything, stops new people from getting into the game and existing hobbyists from trying out new armies!

Would this be a good way for Games Workshop to do Warhammer 40k Codex Book Releases going forward? 

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