Games Workshop Goes Back on Their Reverse Paywall

new-releases-gw deimos predatorIt looks like Games Workshop has gone back on its “reverse” paywall for Horus Heresy which seemed to be a huge success!

You may remember Games Workshop did a “reverse” paywall a while back with the Leviathan and Contemptor arms and weapons. Hobbyists obviously liked it, as it sold out quite fast, so we were hoping to see them do the same thing with the new Deimos Predator Tanks. 

Games Workshop Goes Back on Their Reverse Paywall

leviathan upgrade sprueWhen the Leviathan weapons hit the webstore, they sold out quite quickly, which in a way, we actually thought might be a good thing. Why? Well, if GW saw just how successful the venture was, we thought they might just keep doing it for at least Horus Heresy weapon options.

Contemptor Dread upgrade sprue

Weeks later, the same thing happened with the Contemptor sprue, so with both doing so well,  there was a chance this would be the norm from GW. Instead of selling an individual kit as a paywall for a single new sprue, letting hobbyists buy it directly was a huge value!

Deimos Predator unboxing 2However, this hasn’t happened yet for really any of the other kits, and sadly, the Predator is just so perfect for the same type of weapons sprue treatment the Dreadnoughts got!

The initial kit is still pretty expensive, but if you could just buy an upgrade sprue, then magnetize all the weapons on, this would really give people a ton of value!

This is a similar problem that hurt Horus Heresy in the past, where things became too expensive actually to get what you want. It really just also pushes people towards 3D printing (which we think is good when done responsibly). However, GW doesn’t seem to realize they may be pushing more and more hobbyists to 3d Printing, something they probably don’t want, by not giving people some kind of value.

The Games Workshop reverse paywall is one of the few things they have done recently actually to give decent value to hobbyists, so it would be nice to see them offer the weapon sprues separately for both kits in the future.

Would you buy a separate weapon sprue for the Horus Heresy Deimos Predator? 

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