GW Announces New Black Library 2023 Previews

gw-previews-new-warhammerGW just announced new Previews for this weekend with promises of tons of new Black Library books and maybe a model or two!

It looks like we’re back to a bit more normal time for the preview, which is nice (especially if you’re in the UK or Europe, as you won’t have to get up at three in the morning).

Warhammer Community showed off the timeframe and a little bit of what to expect. Let’s take a closer look!

GW Announces New 2023 Black Library Previews

Black Library 2022 Preview

This weekend, fans of fiction will want to tune in for the Warhammer Preview Online: Black Library, which will bring news of upcoming tales of heroes and villains from the worlds of Warhammer.

We’ll be showing you a whole load of brilliant upcoming books, along with words from some of your favourite Black Library authors and some blockbuster announcements to make this an unmissable event.

They didn’t give too much info on what to expect, but we’re expecting some awesome books to follow along with the previews!

Black Library 2022 Preview 2

Join us at 2pm GMT on Sunday the 4th of December to find out more about what’s coming to the shelves of the Black Library – and for a host of other surprises.

If you live on the west coast of the US or Australia, the time won’t be great, but for everyone else, it should be pretty easy to make it to the preview! They usually show off a few exclusive minis at the preview, so we expect this year to be no different. If the focus is on AoS, maybe we’ll get some great characters for that. Keep your eyes out as we’ll be covering all the info right here.

The most iconic character to come out of the Black Libary previews recently is probably Uriel Ventris. Let’s look back to get more of an idea of what to expect this time around…

Black Library Celebration 2021 & Uriel Ventris Preview

Uriel Ventris Black Library CelebrationThe model comes with rules for using Ventris in your Ultramarines army, making him perfect for collectors and gamers alike.

He even had rules for 40k, which is nice, so hopefully, whatever they reveal this time will also have rules!

Ventris is a character who has a lot more presence and backstory than even some of the arguably more important characters. He has had books on him for nearly 20 years! There are even callbacks and evidence on his model. That rose on his shoulder? He earned that in the 2002 novel Nightbringer. Easily a fan-favorite character, this model was a slam dunk.

In usual fashion, there’s tons of great detail on the model to make it a great painting challenge when the time comes. Even if you don’t play Ultramarines, this was a cool exclusive mini to score.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you hope to see at the 2022 Black Library preview? 

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