New Beasts of Chaos & Gloomspite Gitz Battletomes Revealed!

gloomspite-gitz-new-snarlfang-ridersNew Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz Battletome books, along with Snarlfang Riders, were revealed at the Grand Narrative Finale preview!

The latest reveals from the Grand Narrative Finale preview are here, featuring not only the Age of Sigmar Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz Battletome books but also new minis, including the reimagining of Wolf Riders, now called Snarlfang Riders!

Lastly, they dropped a giant roadmap for AoS battletomes into 2023!

Games Workshop Grand Narrative Finale Preview

This is what Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community had to say about them, along with our commentary on it as well!

GW Preview US OpenThere will be juicy reveals for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, and Warhammer Underworlds. You can catch all the details on Saturday. Fair warning to our fans in the UK and Europe – you’re going to have to get up pretty early for this one… Tune in at 4am GMT on the 19th of November.

An 11 pm preview on a Friday night here in the states (and well into the AM in the EU), what a time to be alive!

New Beasts of Chaos & Gloomspite Gitz Battletome Books Revealed!

Let’s start with the Beasts of Chaos Battletome.

Beasts of Chaos

The new battletome brings new rules and abilities for loads of current units, with a strong emphasis on ambushing your enemies. There are all sorts of tricks you can play to surround your opponents and make them regret the day they decided to enter the wild lands.

Well, first up, they announced a new Beasts of Chaosbattletome and said it will be next (well. alongside the Gloomspite Gitz). In the preview, they promised there will be some buffs and big ways to bring them into the new edition.

It sounds like anything from previous iterations will all be put into one big book, which is always easier than trying to gather a bunch of rules!

The venerable Beastlord is being redone in plastic, as you need someone formidable to lead your new herd! They even released some rules for him as well.

Beasts of Chaos 4Adding +1 to your hit and wound rolls as long as this is within 3″ of an enemy hero is no joke! Just make sure to get him into combat with enemy heroes, and your units will be far more formidable.

New Gloomspite Gitz Battletome Book

Gloomspite Gitz

We heard rumors for a long time about Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz getting a combined box set and their books being revealed at the same time. Now it’s looking like those rumors might just be true!

They also promised a ton of buffs in this battletome, so things are looking up for the goblins!

Wolf Riders Are Now Snarlfang Riders!

Snarlfang RidersAs we said, these are basically the reimagining of Wolf Riders, and you just love to see them! Goblins riding wolves are just so iconic for all fantasy, so this is just really cool to see and them getting a rework!

Gloomspite Gitz rules

Armed with grot bows, stabbin’ stikkas, and the slavering, toxic jaws of their snarlfang partners in crime, these gobbos are great at flanking enemy positions and finishing off wounded targets, thanks to their cruel ability to Smell Weakness.

This is a pretty easy thing to achieve, so should make the wolves that much better!

New AoS Battletome Roadmap for 2022-2023

Last but not least, we got a huge AoS roadmap!

AoS Battletome RoadmapThey are promising the next two books before the end of the year, which is pretty awesome. Then, Spring will actually see five different battletomes and then one big one in summer. So, if you had to ask us, we would guess the summer book will be reworked Cities of Sigmar, but we’ll hopefully know more soon on that!

That being said, we would love to see the Seraphon get their time in the spotlight as well.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Click Gallery below for full-size images.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    Do you like the new Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz Battletome books, and  Snarlfang Riders, that were revealed at the Grand Narrative Finale preview?

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