New Forge World MKVI Horus Heresy Upgrades Hit Pre-Order!

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Horus Heresy MKVI upgrades are on pre-order at Forge World; this time, it’s heads and shoulder pads for the Night Lords and Iron Hands!

If you play either of these Horus Heresy armies, this might be the release for you. This week, there will be four kits in total, with two for each Legion.

Warhammer Community unveiled the pre-order, and they should be shipped on 02/12/2022, which is a little odd because they are not really MTO, just a long lead time. Let’s hop into it!

Night Lords MKVI Heads: $23

Night lords horus heresy upgrade kits 2

As the Night Haunter undoubtedly said more than once, release the bats! You’ll go bats in the belfry with this set of 11 resin heads for your MKVI Space Marines, 10 of whom sport skeletal beaks, with one additional bare head (high, tight, and debonair!)

Night Lords MKVI Shoulder Pads: $23

Night lords horus heresy upgrade kits 3 Forge World MKVI Horus Heresy Upgrades

Go big on the creepy vibes with a set of 10 resin shoulder pads bearing the Night Lords Legion symbol, a charming mash up of skulls and leathery wings showing that Kurze’s lot are completely committed to the bit.

Iron Hands MKVI Heads: $23

MKVI Forge World Horus Heresy 2


Not content with their already-transhuman physiologies, the Iron Hands love nothing more than replacing their flesh with cybernetic enhancements. The set of 11 resin heads for MKVI Space Marines offers five different designs – three sets of three helmets, one fancy sergeant’s helmet, and a bionic bare head.

Iron Hands MKVI Shoulder Pads: $23

MKVI Forge World Horus Heresy 3

Complete the look with a set of 10 resin shoulder pads. These are proudly emblazoned with the heraldry of Ferrus Manus – personally, if we’d managed to dunk our hands in molten metal, we wouldn’t want to be reminded of it, but Ferrus is clearly made of sterner stuff.

Will you pick any of these Forge World MKVI Horus Heresy Upgrades up? Which is your favorite? 

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