GW Hates The 6 Things We’d Like In 10th Edition 40k

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumors-1With the new edition looming, here are the top six things we would like to see from 10th edition Warhammer 40k and GW!

Obviously, there is some debate about when 10th edition Warhammer 40k will actually drop and what it will contain, but all the data points to it hitting in the summer of 2023.

Plus, Games Workshop has kept the same three-year cycle of new editions for quite some time now, so whether we want it or not, a new edition will indeed eventually drop.

Top 6 Things We Would Like to See From 10th Edition 40k

These are all just what we would like to see from a new edition of Warhammer 40k, so if you have other ideas, let us know! While Games Workshop might already have everything set in stone at this point, they could still actually listen to the community and make some changes based on feedback.

Hey, there is always a chance.

#1 Change How Rules & Codexes are Released

Leagues of Votann codexFirst, like we have been saying, they could give out the rules for free online. Just like they do with the initial rules and FAQs, there would just be a section for codex rules. Let’s face it, every codex book’s rules are DOA on releases, as every single one is updated significantly within 30 days.

Putting out the rules for free online would make it easy for new players to see them and probably make more new and existing hobbyists buy more armies.

Instead of investing $55 in a codex just to see what the army does, this would free up that cash for at least a box of new miniatures instead. Perhaps most compelling is that so many other rule systems already do this; it would just bring GW on par with many other existing games.

However, in our opinion, many customers still want to purchase source material for “their” army, which is where the next part is genius.

Games Workshop could release a “codex” that is half lore (which it already basically is), and the other half would be dedicated painting guides, army showcases, and a battle report featuring the studio army!

new codex supplements Space marine limited edition collectors

So if you really love the faction, you still buy the book (or even a “collectors edition” with more tokens and trinkets, etc.) for all the lore and cool stuff!

#2 Add Reactions/Alternating Activation

HH ReactionsWhile actually having true alternating activation may not really be doable due to the scale, we would like to see something like reactions from Horus Heresy or Warcry. This would make long turns from your opponent more fun and give a little extra layer to stop alpha strikes and actually be more engaging no matter who the “active” player was.

There is a chance this would slow the game down some, but at this point, the game seems a bit bloated. So if it makes the games of Warhammer 40k that much better overall, it could be worth it. This is a cool idea but may only work if we also got rid of the majority of stratagems, as both could slow the game down way too much.

#3 No More Stratagems/Just Rerolls

Leagues of Votann Rules 4It seems like, at this point, the number of stratagems you have to know is just getting insane. Especially when you look at the majority of hobbyists playing games are far less competitive that they may admit.

If you’re going to a bunch of tournaments and such, you probably know all the stratagems sure. However, for a person who maybe plays one or two games a month, stratagems sometimes seem to slow the game down, take people too much by surprise, and just don’t seem to add a ton of “fun” in general.

As we said, we think reactions would actually be more fun for the average players than trying to take advantage of busted setups and ideas (which, to be fair, we see far less of in 9th than 10th). However, we would still like to see rerolls, as having just a few command points to reroll those all-important dice rolls is nice and adds a layer of flavor to the game.

#4 Keep Table Size But Adjust Movement

9th edition table sizeThe 9th Edition table size seems actually to be fine, and we don’t want to see that change again, as so many people already went out and got the 9th edition size tables and mats.

However… movement is getting kind of insane, and Guard tanks are almost as fast as Dark Eldar vehicles, which just makes the game too easy to get around the smaller table. So, for example, if tanks now had a 10″ movement instead of 12″ that could be a bit more balanced.

If something would have an 8″ movement, maybe give them 7″ move now. This would save people the hassle of buying new stuff, make the game easier to learn and keep up with the larger base sizes and smaller table sizes in general.

#5 Keep Balance Dataslates & CA Books, But No More Supplements!

codex supplements bundleWe’ve talked a lot about how the balance this time around has actually been pretty decent, so we’re not against the Dataslate update and Chapter Approved GT Packets (as long as they are all free), but please, no more supplements! That really skyrocketed the rules bloat and overall cost to play Warhammer 40k insanely in 9th and 8th.

So, we’re fine with Games Workshop keeping the ongoing balance, but whatever you do, please, no more supplements filled with rules that have a secret expiration date (looking at you Tyranids Crusher Stampede)!

#6 Beta Rules

We talked about this too already, but why not let the community beta-test the rules? Games Workshop releases the prospective new rules about six or so months before the actual release date for the miniatures etc.  This would give 2-3 months of open beta to get back to GW before they finalize their new rules for whatever faction.

Instead of the small playtesting pool, they have now; this would give GW tons of data to make a final informed decision about the codex.

This has a ton of benefits, such as balance, people would get more excited for the release, and give longer lead times for people to save their hobby dollars for the book. Plus, it would help Games Workshop from having to do these early and somewhat scrambled FAQs that have been so offputting as of late.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What would you like to see in 10th edition Warhammer 40k? Is there anything big you want them to keep from 9th or do differently?