Wargames Atlantic Bringing ZombieSmith’s Iconic Quar to Plastic!

Quar featureWargames Atlantic is teaming up with Zombiesmith to bring Quar into hard plastic miniatures alongside new rules!

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models, and their kits are always affordable and full of detail. These new sets look to be no different, and just the previews are getting us excited! This isn’t the first time they have brought another set back to life in hard plastic, so we know they will do it right. 

However, this isn’t just going to be a single set, the new box will even come with rules and what you need to play the game. It’s cool to see something like this get a revamp and be much easier to actually play the game since you can just get the minis in plastic!

Wargames Atlantic Bringing ZombieSmith’s Iconic Quar to Plastic!

QuarSince this is their release, we’ll let them tell you more about it!

We are very pleased to announce that we will be bringing ZombieSmith’s iconic Quar to hard plastic in 2023! 

Quar 3

The first release will be a boxed game with a full rulebook and units of Crusaders and Coftyrans! 

Quar 4


But you ask – what are Quar!??!

The Quar are the inhabitants of a rugged, mountainous, and storm-wracked world called Alwyd. Their planet is warm, like ours, and shares many of the same characteristics. One notable difference, however, is Cythwyn – the Month of Storms. Every third year, at the end of the calendar, all of Alwyd is tormented by the worst storms imaginable. Sandstorms drop sand thousands of miles from the nearest desert. Snow falls in the tropics. Black blizzards scour croplands down to bedrock. Hailstones the size of mhudd balls pound the earth and crush anything unprotected. It is a terrible time, but the Quar are used to terrible things, for to be a Quar is to be resilient.

Quar 2Check out more about the Quar and ZombieSmith by clicking on the link below!

Click Here to Learn More!