GW Reveals More on New Khorne Berzerkers & Release Date!

new khorne berzekers titlesGames Workshop just revealed more new Khorne Berzerkers kit info and hinted at the upcoming World Eaters release date…

We’ve seen the models for a while, but it’s always nice to get some details on the actual kit and when we might be able to score them.

Obviously, we assume all the Imperial Guard models will release before World Eaters hit the market, but there is no way to know for sure at this point with any certainty.

Khorne Berzerkers & World Eaters Release Date Hints

Warhammer Community released all the details about the new muli-part kit and when to expect the models.

Khorne berzerkers 5

Angron’s shattered Legion of fanatical killers will descend on the 41st Millenium early next year with sharpened axes, polished crests, and gorgeous new miniatures.

Khorne Berzerkers are the mainstay of the XII Legion, warp-fuelled slaughterers who relish literally nothing more than tearing their foes to pieces in the blood-soaked ecstasy of battle. They’ve got a shiny new kit coming that builds 10 frothing maniacs at full charge – let’s take a closer look.

Seeing more about the kit is awesome, but this might be the most important sentence in the whole article.

will descend on the 41st Millenium early next year

As this is the first time, Games Workshop has specifically said they won’t be here until next year. While it’s not an exact release date, a lot of rumors (that have not been confirmed by GW) have said February looks likely.

But there’s always a chance we see them in January too. To be fair to GW, in their roadmap (which we have below) they said they would be released in “winter.”

40k roadmap

Also, remember that “winter” ends on March 20th, 2023, just before Adepticon. So they still have quite a few months in their own window to release the World Eaters per their teasers.

New Khorne Berzerkers Kit Previews

Khorne berzerkers


Khorne berzerkers 2

…the kit contains 12 bare heads sporting the cybernetic Butcher’s Nails, 10 helmed heads adorned with the iconic cadaere renissum crests, 10 shoulder pads marked with the icon of the World Eaters, five shoulder pads bearing the symbol of Khorne, and five gladiatorial-style pauldrons that hark back to Angron’s homeworld, Nuceria.

It’s always fun to get a multi-part kit with plenty of parts. You’ll be able to make either bare heads or helmeted, and plenty of shoulder pads to pick from!

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Some World Eaters are so blinded by rage that standard armaments aren’t enough – they’ll break a simple chainblade in their grip, and forget about aiming a bolt pistol. No, these psycho killers are best given something bigger and nastier before being nudged gently towards the nearest enemy unit – such as a massive two-handed eviscerator.

You want to be able to arm your troops with the biggest axes out there, and the kit also looks to give you that option!Khorne berzerkers 4

Those few Berzerkers who can keep their composure long enough to squeeze off a few shots before breaking out the chainblades can even trade up to a plasma pistol. Can they resist supercharging every shot? That’s another question entirely…

You wouldn’t be a real Berzerker if you don’t overcharge your pistol, but why are you worried about shooting anyway?

Khorne Berzerkers Full Squad Revealed by GW!

The previous preview and reveals from Games Workshop showed off all the new Khorne Berzerkers.

Khorne berzerkers 2We’ve seen basically a full reveal at this point, but it’s nice always to get some more info.

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Games Workshop kept the old style of their armor and dedication to Khorne but really brought them into the new age of 40k style-wise.

Khorne berzerkers


Khorne berzerkers 2They mentioned that the box set or that Khorne Berzerkers will have ten models, which is pretty sweet and also confirmed by the new reveal above.

Khorne berzerkersThere will be more World Eaters releases than just new Berzerkers models too! However, for now, it looks like Guard will have to hold us over until next year.

What do you think about the new Khorne Berzerkers World Eaters release date teaser and the more on the models themselves? 

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