GW Shorted Stores the Battleforces They Ordered

battleforces-sold-out-angryLooks like Games Workshop is doing the things that make retailers and customers so upset again and shorted stores on a key 40k Battleforce box.

This wouldn’t be the first time GW has promised stores a popular item and then held back at the last minute. This also seems to be much different than the recent shipping issues that were rumored to have popped up when they started the new warehouse automation, as it has happened to a ton of stores we’ve talked with.

Get the latest on all the new Warhammer Christmas Battleforces for 2022 by clicking below!

Games Workshop Shorts Stores on Imperial Knight Chainbreaker Lance Battleforce

Imperial Knights – Chainbreaker LanceIt’s been a little while since we’ve seen it, but this happened a lot during COVID and a few recent popular releases.

Where stores would be promised a certain amount of product from GW; however, when the order came, they either got nothing or very little. This time it’s almost a little worse. Many stores have checked in with us, saying they were assured of their battleforce orders. However, after their orders shipped and Games Workshop sold out of Chainbreaker pre-orders on their site, they were zeroed out of all the Knight Battleforces pre-orders they were promised.

Some of the stores ordered a ton of these boxes and, from what we’ve heard, are receiving none. 

It’s hard to say if the box sold well and GW didn’t have enough for their webstore, or perhaps they made way fewer boxes than forecasted, or something else entirely. Either way, you look at it, though, it’s not good. Many game stores have been struggling as people have not been spending enough. So if they had planned on selling even 10 (some bigger stores ordered way more), this could be a big blow.

Having the rug swept out at the last minute just feels bad for stores and customers alike.

Imperial Knights Battleforces on the Secondary Market

If your store didn’t get any of the new Imperial Knight Chainblade Battleforce (and they are sold out in GW’s store), luckily, we were able to find a few on eBay. Right now, the price is pretty good on them, but who knows for how long now that they are sold out…

Imperial Knights BattleforcesThis is a really good deal at retail, so if you still want one, you can by clicking here.  Just keep in mind this is really the only one up there we have seen, so who knows what might happen with the price of more boxes. This one is from the UK, so maybe they didn’t have nearly the same issues as we did here in the states!

Search eBay For Imperial Knight Battleforces Here

What are your thoughts on stores getting zeroed out of battleforce boxes? 

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