New JOYTOY Sword Brethren & Sisters of Battle Hit Pre-Order!

sistes-marines-joytoyNew JOYTOY Warhammer 40k White Scars, Sword Brethren, an Ultramarines Lieutenant, and Sisters of Battle action figures have hit pre-order!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect. Recently, we worked out a promo code for all Spikey Bits readers!

We’ll be looking at some of the newest offerings from JOYTOY that just went on pre-order, but they also have a ton of previous releases as well, and you can save on everything, so pretty awesome all around.

New JOYTOY White Scars, Sword Brethren & Sisters of Battle Hit Pre-Order!

JOYTOY White ScarsThese new JOYTOY pre-orders are currently available on Flyima. Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! 

They actually have free shipping to the states, which is awesome, and we’ll take a closer look at the sets below!

Warhammer 40K White Scars Squad & Kor’sarro Khan:

JOYTOY White Scars 2This will buff up your forces in one buy, and if you don’t roll better with them watching over your games, there might be no hope for you!

White Scars JOYTOY 9We love he has the option for the bird and that you get him with two other marines!

White Scars JOYTOY 10

White Scars JOYTOY 11As you would expect, he is superposable and with a lot of bits. Let’s just hope the price isn’t too much higher for him than a normal figure.

White Scars JOYTOY 2

White Scars JOYTOY 5These look pretty awesome and, to us, one of the coolest factions they have done yet.

JOYTOY White Scars Raider-pattern Combat Bike:

White Scars JOYTOY 6You can’t go wrong with White Scars bikers, but it does look like you’ll have to buy the bikes and riders separately!

JOYTOY White Scars 4

  • This item will be available in February, 2023, which finally depends on the manufacturer. 

February isn’t too far away, so might as well pre-order yours now!

Ultramarines Primaris Lieutenant Argaranthe:

40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 7This one will be shipped sooner than most, as it will arrive in January! 

Ultramarines JOYTOY


40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 8Now for the Ultramarines, they are only grabbing one figure this time, but it’s a Lieutenant, which is basically identical to the one you can get in miniature form. This Lieutenant may actually do great deeds at the larger size.

Warhammer 40k Adepta Sororitas:

JOYTOY Sisters of BattleYou actually get five figures with this set! Also, these will be hitting shelves in January, so even earlier than the White Scars.

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY


Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 2The detail looks great on this!

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 3

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 4They have a decent number of parts, which is always cool, and weapon options!

Sisters of Battle JOYTOY 5


Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 2When you need to purge the heretics, having a big sword is always a plus!

Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 3


Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 4This is similar to the model above, but the face on this one is really cool!

Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 5


Sisters and Custodes JOYTOY 6The Imagifier is pretty awesome, and if you really need to inspire your army, this is the figure to do it!

Black Templars Primaris Sword Brethren:

JOYTOY Sword BrethrenRemember, these won’t ship until March, but again, they are not terribly far away.

40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 5


40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 6We’ve seen a decent number of Black Templars up until now, but we won’t complain about more options. Obviously, if you want to crusade, you need a guy with a big axe!

40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines


40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 2Sword Brethren are cool models on the small scale, and JOYTOY has done well with these bigger ones!

40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 3


40k JOYTOY Black Templars and Ultramarines 4Last but not least, you need some lightning claws to cut through the enemy!

Get 10% Off JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

These items are currently available on Flyima, be sure to use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%! 

Previous JOYTOY 40k action figures are on pre-order here in the states from Entertainment Earth and Sideshow Collectiblesor you can browse secondary sellers on Amazon and eBay for items that are ready to ship now.



JOYTOY Flyima 3

The items below are available from multiple sellers, including those in the states. Check out the links below to grab yours!

JOYTOY PRe-order

All of the new JOYTOY 40k action figures in this section have hit pre-orders here in the states from Entertainment Earth and Sideshow Collectiblesor you can browse secondary sellers on Amazon and eBay.

Don’t forget you can use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10% on Flyima as well!

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Will you pick any of these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures up? Which ones are your favorite?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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