Games Workshop Updates Retailers On Last Second-Price Increases

By Rob Baer | February 15th, 2023 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

GW-price-hikes-increasesIt looks like more price increases are here as Games Workshop updated retailers last second before pre-orders went live and changed the retail value of a few products…

Last year, the price increases hit on over 3,000 items all at once. While this latest increase is only on a few items, GW basically just did it under everyone’s noses without any real mention of it at all except to retailers late Friday night before pre-orders went live around the world.

Games Workshop Updates Retailers On Last-Second Price Increases

We first saw this in the Slaves to Darkness release, but it seems that it is the new norm and not something out of the ordinary.

Again, not the biggest increase we’ve ever seen, but it’s always good to know when the prices are going up!

Vanguard Slaves to Darkness

As we saw in January 2023, this Slaves to Darkness Vanguard Box hit stores at $140, which is $10 higher than all the previous Vanguard boxes. However, this box still has a decent value at this price; it was just a bit of a concern to see it higher than all the previous Vanguard boxes.

price increase games workshop aos vanguard boxes

On January 23rd, 2023, GW told retailers the Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite Gitz boxes’ initial pricing, and they were back at the $130 price. So, for a minute, we thought perhaps only the Slaves to Darkness box would be at this new higher price of $140.

Especially considering the value of the two newer Vanguard boxes is so bad. However, it appears GW made a mistake, the price was supposed to be $140, and the price increases are here to stay for the AoS Vanguard boxes.

Games Workshop Updates Retailers on “Pricing Error”

gw price increases

This is the email from GW about the increase sent to retailers late Friday night, January 27th, 2023, after stores had submitted their orders to Games Workshop, and the items were about to “Go Loud” for pre-order online (and it’s not what anyone wanted to see)!


We’re not sure if they just made the decision late or if they just made an honest mistake on the pricing. But considering the Slaves to Darkness box was $140, we expect they just meant to increase all the prices going forward. It really isn’t very pleasant to see that the value of the new Gloomspite Gitz box is only $49 now with this increase.

Either way, this will be the new pricing moving forward, and we expect the older boxes to get an increase in price before too long.

We assume all new ones will be at this price, and GW could easily go back soon and change all the boxes to the new $140 rate.

At the time of writing this, the other Vanguard Boxes on the Games Workshop’s site are still $130, but if you have been wanting them now, you may want to act sooner rather than later as they may eventually get an increase.

Get your Vanguard box sets  for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games Frontline Gaming | or | eBay |


Click Here For All the Values on AoS Vanguard Boxes, Pricing & Links 

Will you still pick up the Age of Sigmar Vanguard boxes at the new price? 

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