More AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Previews are Here!

Armies-on-Parade-AoS-cities-of-sigmar-titleMore new AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer previews are here, this time with renders of relics and bits- check it out!

People have been asking for this for a really long time now, and even though these are renders, it’s nice to see Games Workshop coming out with them! If you want to see everything else they have released for the faction so far, you can check that out here!

AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Relics & Bits Previews

In these previews, Warhammer Community unveiled a decent amount of bits and insight for the new Dawnbringer Crusades army, just enough to give us hope!

Dawnbringer previews

Though all may agree that Sigmar is divine, the folk of the Free Cities are massively diverse in other respects. Whether roused to action by the rhetoric of Sigmarite priests, or taking the Coin Malleus for their own opportunistic reasons, these soldiers are drawn from all corners of the Mortal Realms. 

The different cities bring with them all sorts of unusual religious ideas regarding Sigmar, emphasising various aspects of their god and how to worship him”, notes Seb. “Many of these cults find religious meaning in very different symbols – not just the classic hammer, but things such as anvils, the weather, broken weapons, and even battle debris. 

These are some really cool bits! Combined with what we’ve seen, it looks like they are keeping the feel of the current line, but just super updating it!

Dawnbringer previews 2

“Decorative grotesques are sprinkled through the army”, grins Seb. “These disturbing gargoyles aren’t just symbols hammered out in iron – they’re real threats that actually exist in the Mortal Realms. Lightly sprinkled throughout the kits, they add a sense of the macabre – and a reminder that horrors are lurking under every stone and around every corner…

From the sounds of it, there will be a ton of awesome bits in each kit! We’ll have to wait and see some sprues, but if they have tons of extra bits, it should make for really fun overall models and builds.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Models & Rules Previews

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