New Star Wars: Legion Dark Troopers Rules & Upgrade Cards!

Dark Troopers RulesAtomic Mass Games revealed what the devastating Dark Troopers can do in Star Wars: Legion via their rules and upgrades!

We saw the models hit pre-order not too long ago, but it’s always nice to see what they can do before buying the miniatures!

If you read this after February 17th, 2023, this expansion set should be fully released and available from your favorite store!  To order one for yourself, you can click here or click the header below. 

Star Wars Legion Dark Troopers Unit Expansion: $54.99

Click here to get yours from | Amazon | or | Asmodee Website |

Dark Troopers

Imperial armies get a terrifying new addition with this expansion for Star Wars: Legion! Elite combat droids programmed for maximum destruction, Dark Troopers are not deterred by fear, danger, or concern for their own survival. As a new Imperial Heavy unit, the seven Dark Trooper miniatures in this expansion give players a variety of ways to terrify their opponents, including a XS-IV Assault Cannon Trooper, an SM-9 Frag Launcher Trooper, and an Mertalizer Trooper.

Dark Troopers 2

Beyond their standard and heavy weapon options, the Dark Troopers are also accompanied by a new programming upgrade that gives players another way to customize their approach to battle.

Star Wars: Legion Dark Troopers Rules & Upgrade Cards!

Let’s take a closer look at the rules and upgrade cards revealed from AMG for Dark Troopers in Star Wars Legion.

Dark Troopers Rules 2

Imperial Dark Troopers burst onto the scene with a strong set of abilities and stats. Dark Troopers enjoy the benefits of superior protection granted by the Armor keyword and red defense dice. As Droid Troopers, they will never be suppressed and can never panic, due to their “-” courage. Additionally, two health per miniature ensures the unit can take incredible punishment before being removed from the fight. Unstoppable is a new keyword that allows Dark Troopers to activate twice, reflecting their single-minded devotion to their programming. Finally, Crushing Punch and the E-11D blaster ensure that Dark Troopers will be a force to be reckoned with up close and at range.

With armor, two health per miniature, and being droids, they will be extremely hard to bring down or even slow down! However, they can’t take cover, so just something to keep in mind. But the goods don’t stop there. Being unstoppable allows them to activate twice, and finally, their weaponry will help them take down a ton of enemies.

Upgrade Cards

Dark Troopers Rules 3

When a threat requires a less subtle response, Imperial Dark Troopers have several new options to bolster their offensive power. The XS-IV Assault Cannon lays down a withering hail of fire, adding 4 black dice and Critical 1 to the Dark Troopers’ ranged attacks. When fighting a foe up close, the SM-9 Frag Launcher is more than capable of removing an entrenched unit in cover, and Impact 2 with Cycle provides additional utility to this loadout. But if a Moff requires a personal touch in combat, the Mertalizer adds two red and one black dice to the unit’s melee attacks. Suppressive also ensures the defender will really feel the cruel after-effect of the Dark Troopers’ assault.

Imperial Dark Troopers can also be outfitted with an extra trooper, further adding to the offense and durability of the unit. Finally, Programmed Loyalty accentuates their bodyguard role, giving the Imperial Dark Troopers Retinue: Commander. These many options make Dark Troopers a fearsome presence on the battlefield and will add a myriad of new strategies to your games of Star Wars: Legion.

Being able to take another trooper is nice, but there are a ton of other upgrades, including stronger weapons, and even better melee. Finally, they can be Moff Gideon’s retinue, which will just make them much stronger and be able to get orders.

Click Here to Get The New Dark Troopers!

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