Slaves to Darkness Vanguard Box: Pricing & Value Breakdown

Slaves-to-darkness-vanguard-box-setCheck out the pricing and value inside the Age of Sigmar Slaves to Darkness Vanguard Box in this savings breakdown!

Remember, these are mostly designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some of the Chaos army already, this could be a decent value. Let’s see what you can save!

Slaves to Darkness Vanguard Box: $140 (Price Increase)

Get yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka GamesFrontline Gaming | or | eBay |

Vanguard Slaves to Darkness

Raise a warhost and run roughshod over the Mortal Realms with this Vanguard box, which contains 17 miniatures including a Chaos Lord, 10 iconic Chaos Warriors in full multi-part glory, five Chaos Knights with the new upgrade sprue, and a chariot which can be pulled by horses or a savage gorebeast for line-breaking charges.

  • Chaos Lord $32 (old model, not the new one)
  • 10 Chaos Warriors $60
  • five Chaos Knights $65
  • Chariot $42

Total MSRP: $199

Total savings versus the $140 box price: $59

Is the Slaves to Darkness Vanguard Box Worth it?

Chaos WarriorsConsidering they raised the price, it doesn’t feel as good right up front. However, it has some value, as you get the Chaos Warriors for free. Just keep in mind that this old Chaos Lord has his terrain built into a square base, which means if you want the terrain, you’ll have to saw it off.

Overall, you will save some cash, but it’s definitely not the highest value we’ve ever seen. If you need all the minis inside, it will be cheaper than buying them on their own!

What Should You Buy Next For Slaves To Darkness Army?

Well, if you already grabbed the Slaves to Darkness Army Box (or can still find one for cheap), this is a great compliment, as that came with completely different units. However, if you missed out on that bundle, at this point, you have to decide the theme of your army.

Do you want to go with a more elite army, or blood the board with soldiers? Once you have that decided, it’s time to start getting minis that fit that profile!

If you want more elite, you can grab Archaon and Varanguard. If you want to go more troop-heavy, grab more Warriors and maybe even a compliment of Marauders to help them with some cheaper dudes!

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

Will you be picking this up? Do you like the value and savings inside the Vanguard Boxes? 

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