GW’s New 40k Allocations Are a Hot Mess Again This Week

GW-allocationsThis week’s allocations from GW are some of the tightest we’ve seen for Warhammer 40k, but Necromunda is somewhat spared. 

It looks like allocations are back again for new Warhammer 40k releases, and these numbers are about as tight as possible. 

Either way, all the stores and distributors we polled reported that their orders were once again slashed numbers-wise (for most boxes) for many of the new releases this week. This is also the seventh week with allocations, so at this point, it seems to officially be a trend from Games Workshop headed into summer.

For now, though, let’s check out what goes on pre-order this week that’s affected and look at how many of each will be available. 

GW Tells Stores This Week’s Allocations

Cawdor Ridge Walkers

  • New Paint Sets: 1 Per Store
  • Sisters of Battle Boarding Patrol: 2 Per Store
  • Thousand Sons Boarding Patrol: 2 Per Store
  • Adeptus Custodes Boarding Patrol: 1 Per Store
  • Boarding Patrol: 1 Per Store
  • Cawdor Ridge Walkers: Unlimited! 
  • Enforcers: Direct Order Only

Well, this time, the allocations are just wild. As the Ridge Walkers don’t even have a cap, which is nice, but we’re not sure how many people are picking them up so long after the reveal. However, we go to the other end of the spectrum with the new Boarding Patrol boxes, where stores can only get one or two of each, which is basically nothing and really hampers stores. 

So overall, it just looks like GW made an insane number of the Ridge Walker boxes, and didn’t make much of anything else. Overall, this is a very interesting look into how Games Workshop values certain boxes and items over others.

If these new releases don’t appeal to you, check out all these Warhammer 40k and AoS box sets and bundle deals that are going for close to 40% off on eBay right now!

Click Here For Warhammer Going Super Cheap on eBayebay bluff city

These sellers have all sorts of deals, sometimes daily, on Warhmmaer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Horus Heresy, and more.

Click Here To Shop the Top 100 Warhammer Best Sellers

If you missed out on these fantastic board game titles for cheap, be sure to give them a look and pick them up too!


Were you planning on getting any of the Boarding Patrol boxes? 

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