GW Reveals New Imperial Guard Black Library Minka Lesk Miniature

Black Library Mink LeskAnother character is jumping off the pages, this time it’s Minka Lesk, the 40k Imperial Guard Black Library miniature!

She is a former Whiteshield, so you know she is tough and lucky! If you survive through the Whiteshields, you know something big is in store for you, and now soon you’ll get to play with this awesome character on the tabletop!

If you’ve read any of the books she is in, it will be even cooler to play her, but you can still catch up with the stories! However, it’s not just the mini, two new books are also on the way, which we’ll look at below.

Imperial Guard Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk

The announcement comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk

A former Cadian Whiteshield* – full name Arminka Lesk – our plucky heroine was assigned to her regiment at a young age. When the 13th Black Crusade arrived, ‘Minka’ was ordered to defend her hometown of Myrak from a Chaos assault that swiftly became a heretical deluge.

They did a decent job on the model as it really looks like the artwork for the books, which is always nice for a Black Library mini!

Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk

The model has options for a lasgun to join your Cadian Shock Troops, or a bolt pistol and a power sword if you’d rather field her as part of a Cadian Command Squad. She has two heads, too – including her trademark bandana from the cover of Cadian Honour.

To have seen all those things go down and still be fighting, she has some insane determination and love for Cadia! From the sounds of it, they won’t be giving her special rules, but will still be a fun model to add to your forces.

The Adventures of Minka Lesk Continue

As we said though, it’s not just the model, she’s also getting two new books!

New Justin D Hill Books

Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk

This isn’t the only Minka reveal today – the Cadian 101st are back in action in a brand-new novel, Shadow of the Eighth. This time they’re after a relic of the missing Cadian 8th, thought lost in the destruction of their home planet. The hunt has led them to the frozen world of Telken’s Rest, which is part of the slowly crumbling empire of the Chaos warlord Darkul-zar.

It’s always nice to have new novels for the BL minis, so get up on your reading!

Get Your Favorite Black Library Books Cheap on Audible!


This is quite the sweet deal if you want to listen to podcasts or books! Especially if you’re traveling, this is perfect for helping pass the time. Here’s everything you get even at the cheaper price:

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If you’ve never used Audible before, the credits are really cool. You get a free book monthly, on top of all the streaming stuff you get to keep. So just with this, you’ll get Black Library books to keep, which is just cheaper than they actually cost.

Will you be picking up the Black Library Miniature Minka Lesk? 

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