First New Models Revealed for Warhammer Old World

Warhammer-Old-World-first-modelsGW showed off the newest updates for Warhammer The Old World, along with the first two models for Tomb Kings and Bretonnia!

The Warhammer Fest preview was spread over three days, so there is plenty of time to digest everything revealed with our expert commentary below!


Here are the quick links to all the previews from Warhammer Fest 2023. Click on any of them for the full articles below!

3 Days of New Previews at Warhammer Fest 2023

Three days of previews for eight games headed into summer. Plus, this time, we have at least an idea of what many of these will be, thanks to so many recent reveals. 

Warhammer Fest Previews

Trust us you will absolutely not want to miss this one – it’s going to be a real showstopper. 

The reveal stream will be hosted live on Twitch and Warhammer Community, and you’ll be able to watch it later if you’re still sensibly tucked up in bed or busy working when the show goes live.

First New Models Revealed for Warhammer Old World

With the big reveal, WHC covered the first new models for Warhammer Old World with thoughts from artists who sculpted them for Tomb Kings and Bretonnia.

old world model plan details

A big announcement was that ALL 8th Edition Fantasy armies would be playable in Old World! So now we will see plastic, resin, and metal minis on the same tabletop when the game finally releases (which is still unknown)!

bretonia trailer img

With Old World’s release still questionably far away, GW at least once again confirmed the first of two focus factions is Bretonnia!

bretonnian paladin

From the sculptor:

“Getting to work on a Bretonnian was so exciting!” adds Alastair, who created the Paladin. “I collected a small Bretonnian force previously for Warhammer Fantasy Battle, so being able to add to a range that I used to play with all those years ago was awesome. I really enjoyed being able to search through older source material for inspiration, there is so much rich design language in the old army books that really inspired the design of this miniature. In my mind, Bretonnian Knights are stoic warriors, and perhaps just a little pompous, so I wanted to make sure that those attitudes came across in the miniature by having him stand heroically over his beheaded opponent – an Orc who I am sure he bested in single combat with little trouble!”

bretonnian paladin alternate

They also showed off a helmet-less head option! Look at that bowl cut; what a classic.

bretonia trailer

New Tomb Kings Models Revealed for Warhammer Old World

tomb king trailer

The second focus faction for Old World is the iconic Tomb Kings, which might be the most missed faction from Fantasy Battles!

tomb king with hand weapon

From the sculptor:

“I was really happy to find out that I was going to be working on a Tomb King,” explains Agata, who sculpted the Tomb King. “Their story is so tragic and I found it fascinating to learn all about it. They spent all that time preparing for a glorious afterlife but, thanks to a cruel twist of fate, they are forced to suffer their eternal life trapped within shrivelled, mummified bodies. I wanted to capture that tragedy and the anger they must feel about their fate in the miniature, which is why he is posed in such an aggressive stance with such a furious expression on his face.” 

What a stunning model, and not to mention, with a base swap, you could easily put this in your AoS armies with as high as this sculpt quality is.

old world necrosphinx

In the stream, they showed off quite a bit of art, with this Necrosphinx being the only one in color! Saying hobbyists would be able to buy this kit once again soon!

tomb king model trailer

If you’re curious to see more about all the new Old World updates, check out the reveal trailer below!

Lots more previews and teasers are on the way as we tread towards summer and tons of releases!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new reveals at the Warhammer Fest 2023 preview? 

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