The Lion Son Of The Forest is a #1 Seller on Amazon Already (and only $14)

the lion son of the forestThe Lion Son of The Forest is a #1 Selling Book on Amazon right now, and one of the few places you can actually score it- check it out!

The hype for Lion has been pretty insane, as we’ve heard rumors of his return to 40k for years now, and people are not shying away from buying anything with him in it! This means the collector’s edition, hardback, and paperback all sold out in minutes.

If you want to pay extra, here is where you can get them right now:

Luckily, you can still grab the Kindle version for a normal price! We’ll look at how expensive the collector’s edition is already going for (just for the fun of it, really), but for now, let’s focus on the main book!

The Lion: Son Of The Forest #1 Selling Book on Amazon Right Now!

Get it from Amazon here.

Lion: son of the Forest

While the description is a bit specific, it’s cool to see a Warhammer 40k book top the charts on something like Amazon! That means an insane number of people are reading it, as all the other types are sold out!

While you can’t score the physical copies, you can get the same story for way cheaper and get in on the fun. If you need something to read over the next couple of weeks, you might as well pick up your copy and see what all the hype is about.

We talked about how expensive The Lion primarch model is going for (which you can check out here.) Still, the collector’s edition of this book is actually even more expensive on the secondary market already!

GW Fumbles The Lion Primarch Release

The collector’s edition of the Son of the Forest is going for even more on average than the model itself. However, if you don’t feel like spending $400 on a book, you can get the Kindle edition for only $14. That seems like a good deal to us!

Click Here to Get the Book For Cheap!

If you haven’t seen the alternative First Knight Miniature bundle that makes a great Lion model, you can check that out below.

Click Here To Get The New First Knight Miniature Bundle!

What do you think about the book being #1 on Amazon? Will you be picking a copy up? 

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