10th Edition Leviathan Units Selling on eBay for Wild Prices Already!

levithan-ebay-10th-Edition-units-buy-sell-warhammer-40kSupply and demand clash as eBay sellers capitalize on the hype for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Leviathan units with wild pre-order prices!

While sometimes people set up pre-orders on eBay, we rarely see extensive listings like these this early before release. It seems people are planning on getting a bunch of the boxes, breaking them into individual units, and selling the models.

While this isn’t out of the ordinary, it does get us a little nervous, as GW has had allocation caps nearly every week on products, so let’s hope they have enough Leviathan boxes to go around!

New 10th Edition Leviathan Units Selling on eBay for Wild Prices

10th Edition Leviathan Units Selling on eBayAs you can see, you can grab either individual units or entire halves of the box. It’s pretty wild to see people promising specific units before the release without any actual product. The prices are varied, with some being far cheaper than we expected, and some selling halves of the box are a sold deal too.

We can’t see something like the Nuerotyrant going for anything less than $50 (probably $60), and the Psychophage is also a unit we can’t see going for anything less than $60 if sold by GW individually.

So for these prices, they are a steal! From the looks of it, a ton of these are coming from the UK, so just something to keep in mind, if you’re ordering from the USA, you’ll have to pay quite a lot in shipping.

Currently, it seems the hot items are the new Terminators ($50), Sternguard ($50), and Termagant ($30) squads. Character-wise, the new Terminator Librarian ($25), looks to have the most sales already.

If you want to pre-order specific units from the new Leviathan box, you can here.

10th Edition Leviathan Units Selling on eBay 2

There are a few offerings ranging from $3.70-$34.43, which is also strange, as we can’t imagine what units would be that cheap, but for now, these prices are pretty wild and might be worth keeping an eye on if you don’t want to buy the whole box.

Many sellers listing the halves or individual units have excellent eBay ratings, so we wouldn’t be too worried about getting the models in the mail from them.  However, let’s hope these people who are already promising a ton of products aren’t taking up all the stock for the rest of us…

Click Here to Get Your Leviathan Pre-Orders!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

What do you think about the new Leviathan pre-order prices on eBay?

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