New 40k Kill Team Gallowfall, Arbites, & Titanicus: FIRST LOOK

gw-first-look1Here’s a first look at the new 40k Kill Team Gallowfall box, Arbites, and Adeptus Titanicus that are hitting pre-orders this weekend.

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, May 6th, 2023, around 1 pm EST! 

New 40k Kill Team Gallowfall, Arbites, & More: FIRST LOOK

It’s nice to finally get another release for Squats er, Leagues of Votann, and of course, Beastmen in the Grimdark! On top of that, you can finally buy the Adeptus Arbites box on its own. It’s always nice not to have to buy one of the big boxes to get a separate squad if that is the only thing you wanted out of it!

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Kill Team: Gallowfall (English Ver. Delayed In Japan) Allocated 4 Per Store


Shed a tear for the Gallowdark! We reach the final boxed expansion for this season of Kill Team in Gallowfall, in which a deep-space salvage team from the Leagues of Votann battle with a braying band of Beastmen for possession of long-lost Ironkin cognitive units. This boxed set contains parts and rules for both of these kill teams, as well as a set of Gallowdark terrain with exciting new bells and whistles to play nine new missions.

The Fellgor Ravagers are bestial abhumans that have come to call the Gallowdark home, creating profane sites of worship around headstones carved from chunks of hull. Unruly masses of flesh, fur, teeth, and horns, each one is a skilled hunter and depraved killer. Their savagery stands in the way of the calculating technological might of the Hearthkyn Salvagers, who reclaim valuable relics and resources from the dark corners of the cosmos.

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New boxes bring new rules and ways to play. So overall, this is a big win for Kill Team fans!

Fellgor Ravagers

The Beastmen are an all-new kill team, with 10 models who can be built as Fellgor Warriors or a range of fiendish specialists – including an Ironhorn, a Shaman, a Fluxbray and more. The kit also includes loads of interchangeable heads and horns, for that full custom Chaos experience.

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Beastmen are loved by many, and this new re-introduction to Warhammer 40k is a great thing for fans.


Leagues of Votann kill team

The Leagues of Votann kill team comprises a set of Hearthkyn Warriors with an additional sprue of new upgrade components, allowing you to build operatives such as the Kognitâar, Lugger, and Jump-pack Warrior.

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With some pretty unique minis, you can field the dope brass knuckle brawler or the new assault Squat!

Kill Team: Exaction Squad

Exaction Squad

The Adeptus Arbites get their first standalone release for roughly two decades, and this Exaction Squad is – unlike its heroes – very flexible. The kit can build an Exaction Squad kill team of 10 Arbitrators and a loyal R-VR Cyber-mastiff, with plenty of specialists trained to track down the Imperium’s most wanted. 

Those who want to bring the law to the battlefields of Warhammer 40,000 can also build a whole Subductor Squad armed with shock mauls and assault shields, or a full Vigilant Squad armed with combat shotguns and heavier weaponry – both of which get a R-VR Cyber-mastiff of their own.

As a pretty cool set of unique models, it’s great to see this finally available separately.

Killzone Upgrade: Soulshackle (Webstore Only)

Killzone Upgrade Soulshackle

Add some variety to your killzone with the Soulshackle upgrade set, which includes four breach points – with pop-out damaged wall action – and additional terrain details like a holoith dias, augur displays, and hatchway jammers. You can use these upgrades to build your dream killzone, and to augment your Boarding Action games with the new Breaching Operation missions found in Arks of Omen: The Lion.

Want to change up your current terrain setup? Then you can pick these up!

Kill Team: Fellgor Ravagers Dice Set

Fellgor Ravagers Dice Set

Beseech the Chaos Gods for dark favours with this set of themed Kill Team dice, cast in black with orange pips and the Fellgor Ravagers logo on the six face. 

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Stratagem Cards (Webstore Only)

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The ever-useful Stratagem cards return in four themed packs, previously available for a limited time only. Loyalist and Traitor Princeps each get a pack of their own handy reference cards, containing seven Stratagems unique to their chosen allegiance, nine Legio-specific cards, and 10 general cards usable by any side.

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The Defence of Ryza card pack grants access to Experimental Warfare and Tricks and Tactics Stratagems, alongside 15 Legio-specific campaign cards usable with the rules found in the Campaign Compendium. Knight Households also get their own Stratagem cards, with universal Knight Stratagems and House-specific options like their larger Legio cousins.

Stratagem cards are great for quick tracking and adding different ways to play Adeptus Titanicus.

Open Engine War Card Pack (Delayed in Japan & Webstore Only)

Open Engine War Card Pack

Whip up a Titan-sized battle in moments with the Open Engine War Card Pack – a selection of 50 cards that make setting up your games a doddle. Randomly selected cards give plenty of Deployment Maps, Primary and Secondary Objectives, and optional Planetary Effects to ensure no two battles are quite alike, and all you’ll need is the base Adeptus Titanicus Rulebook to use them.**

Speed up your Adeptus Titanicus pre-game with these handy cards.

Click Here For Warhammer Going Super Cheap on eBay

If these new releases don’t appeal to you, check out all these Warhammer 40k and AoS box sets and bundle deals that are going for close to 40% off on eBay right now!ebay bluff city

Click Here To Shop the Top 100 Warhammer Best Sellers on eBay

Will you pick any of these new releases, like the Kill Team Gallowfall box? 

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