New 40k Kill Team Ashes of Faith, Eldar & 2023 Roadmap

kill-team-warhammer-40k-ashes-of-faithAshes of Faith, a new Inquisition Expansion, is coming in the 2023 Kill Team Road Map, along with new plastic Striking Scorpions, perhaps…

The Warhammer Fest preview was spread over three days, so there is plenty of time to digest everything revealed with our expert commentary below!


Here are the quick links to all the previews from Warhammer Fest 2023. Click on any of them for the full articles below!

Warhammer Fest 2023 Preview Online

Three days of previews for eight games headed into summer. Plus, this time, we have at least an idea of what many of these will be, thanks to all the recent reveals. 

Warhammer Fest Previews

Trust us you will absolutely not want to miss this one – it’s going to be a real showstopper. 

The reveal stream will be hosted live on Twitch and Warhammer Community, and you’ll be able to watch it later if you’re still sensibly tucked up in bed or busy working when the show goes live.

Plus Games Workshop has a new selfie attraction for attendees in the form of an 11-foot-tall life-sized Terminator model!

Life sized terminator selfie model 11-foot tall

One of the first things you’ll see when you walk into Manchester Central is this giant 11-foot-tall life-sized Terminator. Get your photos of him!

So you’ll probably see plenty of pictures with this big boy in the background over the weekend!

New 40k Kill Team Inquisition Narrative Expansion & 2023 Roadmap

Straight from WHC, we’ve got a breakdown of the next expansion for Warhammer 40k Kill Team!

ashes of faith

Kill Team Ashes Of Faith Expansion Box

ashes of faith

The battle for the city of Deepwell – and with it, the very planet of Exhalus – is a push-and-pull struggle for control of vital locations, using decks of cards, reusable stickers, and chunky terrain tiles to create objectives, enlist conspirators, and hoodwink your opponent. The cards included are themed around the Inquisition and Cult forces included in the box, but they can be used by any Kill Team to run the campaign as you see fit.

Ashes of Faith provides a complete start-to-finish campaign system that only needs a killzone to play, and will offer wildly different experiences every time as plans go awry and momentum shifts back and forth ahead of the nail-biting finale. The Kill Teams in this box are also usable in more traditional Kill Team campaigns and matched play missions, and they both offer a distinct playstyle.

Ashes of Faith is interesting as a new Narrative set for Kill Team and also doesn’t have any terrain, just rules and the two sets of factions! According to their shared roadmap, this will release before 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

ashes of faith chaos mdoels

Whatever their origins, these soldiers of the faith stand against the Hidden Canker – a sprawling Chaos Cult that offers a completely unique experience in Kill Team. Chaos Cult operatives mutate in the midst of battle into new and grotesque forms, sprouting weapons and sealing wounds as their flesh shifts and morphs.

The Chaos side of Ashes of Faith contains only reprints, but these are some great cultist minis along with a unit of Mutants!

chaos level up kill team

Even the lowliest Cult Devotee can grow into a hulking Mutant – and from there, ascend into a mighty Torment rippling with claws and fangs. The Dark Commune spur their followers into battle through profane exhortations even as the powers of the warp overcome them, twisting the cult further and further as time ticks by.

The box comprises Chaos and Imperium agents, but the Chaos side has a unique new rule where your cultists are essentially evolving, making their way up to a Torment from a simple Devotee during a game!

Inquisitorial Agents

The stars of the show are the new Inquisitorial Agents. These shadowy specialists are an Inquisitor’s most valuable assets, whose unique skills and abilities are vital for fighting a war in the darkness. 

Four of these acolytes can be each be built as two completely different operatives – the pistol-packing Interrogator can also become a knife-juggling Enlightener, for example – while there’s also an Autosavant, a faithful Tome-skull, and a Gun Servitor who can be armed (literally) with a heavy bolter, multi-melta, or plasma cannon.

The other half comprises Inquisitorial Agents led by a training Interrogator. It also includes a customizable Gun servitor that is sure to be fun!

Many of these inquisitorial operatives have nods to miniatures from the classic large-scale Inquisitor game, including a very faithful reimagining of an Imperial Guard Veteran with a polearm.

Neat callbacks to those who might remember the old days are always sweet little easter eggs, but either way, these are fantastic minis.

Six different groups can lend their aid, in the form of Ancillary Support operatives – Tempestus Scions and Sisters of Silence are included in the box, but you may also deputise Kasrkin, Imperial Navy Breachers, Arbites Exaction Squads, or Veteran Guardsmen. Each can dispatch a squad of their best to join your acolytes, making this the most flexible kill team ever devised. So if you’ve been collecting Kill Teams, odds are that you have some easy ways to add even more flexibility to this unusual crew.

The unique rule for the Imperium side is Ancillary Support, allowing you to call for the aid of some more elite previous squads like Breachers or Kasrkin!

New 40k Inquisitorial Agents Kill Team Sprues

These sprues and pics come from Warhammer Community.

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues


imperial Agents Sprues

As we know from the reveal, nearly half of the kill team can be composed of ‘borrowed’ Imperial troops, but the remaining operatives are brand new agents bristling with personality. Four of them can each be built as two entirely different characters, giving the kill team huge flexibility.

There’s no actual Inquisitor in the box – that’s you, the player – but you have a wave of more expendable underlings to send into combat on your behalf.

The Interrogator is your second-in-command who leads the team in the field. All Inquisitorial Agent kill teams need to be led by an Interrogator, but if you pick up a second set of agents, you can also also assemble one as an Enlightener – a blade-wielding maniac recruited specially for their ability to cripple their foes with the nick of a knife.

It’s always nice to get Inquisitorial models, as they are just so crazy, and in general, you can make them whatever you want!

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 2


Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 3


Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 4

Perhaps the most distinctive are the agents drawn from the Astra Militarum, be they untrustworthy criminal scum serving a heinous sentence or hardy death world veterans prized for their prowess. Both are clad in a rough mix of armour plates and torn fabric, a far cry from the neatly tailored uniforms of their peers. 

All the new Inquisiton models in the new set are just so full of flavor, but how will the sprues look?

No matter how you build your kill team, you’ll have spare parts to really customise your operatives, and a bit of stylish Inquisitorial flavour never hurt anybody.

Here’s a closer look at the plastic:

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 5There are a decent number of extra bits, with some different weapons, and plenty of little packs and such to go around.

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 6Again, there are plenty of bits all over the place and tons of weapon options. While you will have the bodies basically built for you, with this many options, the rest of the build is up to you.

Inquisitorial Agents Sprues 7The servitor seems to have the most Weapon options, allowing you to blast through the enemy however you choose.

You can check out more by watching the reveal trailer below.

New Space Marine Heroes Blind Boxes

Also previewed at Warhammer Fest and WHC, a new set of Space Marine Heroes is unique and geared towards Kill Team this time.

warhammer heroes kill team

There’s a brand new set of Warhammer Heroes coming later this year, with all the character-packed models you’ll need to mix-and-match a full kill team of Space Marines, each with their own inimitable style.

This time around, the complete set will create a usable Kill Team!

Coming to stores later this year, these seven miniatures come together to form Strike Force Justian.

Unlike their battle-brothers who operate in single-armour formations, this strike force combines a Heavy Intercessor in Gravis armour, a Phobos-clad Eliminator, and Tacticus-armoured Intercessors of the ranged and assault variety – alongside the first ever Captain to grace this edition of Kill Team.

As per usual, though, you’ll be getting random miniatures in the boxes. So depending on the price, it may be worth watching the secondary market to buy specific ones to finish your collection.

40k Kill Team 2023 Roadmap

warhammer kill team roadmap 2023

As with the other significant previews, we got a Kill Team Roadmap! From the looks of it the next season is right around the corner, as we’ll get into it before the end of the year! Exciting!

But there was also one bonus teaser at the end of the preview…

More New Kill Team: Plastic Eldar Striking Scorpions or Exodites

kill team teaser

Judging by the (Predator Movie Monster-like) noise at the end and the Jungle-like depiction, this could be the long-awaited introduction of new plastic Striking Scorpions or even Exodite Eldar models.

Either way, this is a preview for the next edition of Kill Team this fall, and it will definitely feature Aeldari.

Check out the full teaser below!

Lots more previews and teasers are on the way as we tread towards summer and the official launch of the new edition!  Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new reveals for the 40k Kill Team Ashes of Faith Narrative Inquisition Expansion & 2023 Roadmap along with rumored Striking Scorpions at the Warhammer Fest 2023 preview? 

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