Crush Your Enemies with a Cheap Conquest 2000 Point City States List

By Travis Perkins | June 22nd, 2023 | Categories: Conquest, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Conquest-para-bellum-gameLearn how to build and pilot a Conquest, the Last Argument of Kings, City States 2000 point list for about as cheap as possible!

We have covered one side of the new Conquest Last Argument of Kings Two Player starter armies, the Nords, in-depth with an overview and army build list. Then we looked at the other side of the two-player starter set, the City States here, so today we will build out the City States list as cheaply as possible.

Conquest Two-Player Starter Box:

two-player-starter-set-nords-vs-the-city-states conquest para bellumTake the Plunge! Click Here to Order and Get 10% Off: (USA & Canada Link)  (Overseas Link) USE CODE: SPIKEYBITS

To play this army, the two-player set is the place to start. Now, let’s get into some list-building for the army and see what you can do with this versatile box.

Crush Your Enemies with a Cheap Conquest 2000 Point City States List


Assuming you split the Two Player Starter set with someone (which you should because it is fantastic value for both sides), and should cost you about $60-$80. You’re also going to want to pick up Dorilates for your main block of troops. (Another 25 bucks). Here’s what you get:

  • 3 Minatour Thyreans: 190 Points Heavy Brute
  • 24 Phalangites: 300Points Medium Infantry (Dorilates added)
  • Polemarch: 90 Points Medium Infantry
  • Total 555 Points

This is a great start to a City States list in that you get a block of troops, a heavy brute force to mop up or flank your opponent, and a solid character to lead your forces. I think you need to keep the Phalangites in two ranks so you can take advantage of their support 3. Plus, they can ignore three impact hits so that they can soak up those charges a lot better than most medium infantry units.

Add in the Polemarch to them, and they can get unyielding if they are contesting an objective or force your opponent to re-roll missile weapon hits rolls of 1 against them, giving them survivability. While your opponent is locked up with your Phalangites, it frees up your Minatours to run into your opponent’s backfield and wreck face or hit the unit locked up with the Phalangites in the flank to break a stalemate.

Adding Onto the Starter


First Blood Conquest Box Sets featureNext up, you will want to add the City States One Player Starter Set, which adds another brick of troops to your army to shore up that center line…. And another Dorilates (they are seriously very good) for yet another 25 bucks. You’re also going to need to add Xypharchos as well to lead your Thorakites. (Model is not out yet, so proxy it)

  • 1 Aristarch: 90 Points Infantry Medium
  • 24 Hoplites: 275 Points Infantry Medium (with Dorilates added)
  • 12 Thorakites: 195 Points Infantry Light (With Xypharchos added)
  • 3 Minotaur Thyreans: 190 Points Heavy Brute
  • Total 720 Points

With this addition, you are adding the second part of your army, so on one side, you have the Phalangites led by Polemarch with a Heavy Brute unit on the side, and on the other side, you have a block of Hoplites led by your warlord the Aristarch.

Then on their flank, another unit of Minotaurs. Leading the way, you have Thorakites, which are not my favorite, but you need to run them to keep the Hoplites as a block of 6. They can dish out some damage, though, and hold some ground before your mediums can catch up, just don’t be surprised when they get shot or melee off the board quickly, as they will outpace your medium units fast.

Finishing Your Conquest 2000 Point City States List

Your total without any hero upgrades stands at 1300, and you still have some open spots with your two warbands. With the last of our points, I want to fill those out though it is going to be some expensive models that do it. First, we will add a Promethean, which is 100 dollars, but he adds spell casting that buffs everything around it, making him a perfect supporting monster for your blocks of troops.

Then we will grab another box of Thorakites (and yes, another Xypharchos) along with yet another 100-dollar model of the Hephaestian. This will make you a two-warband army but gives you a good mix of light, medium, and heavy troops to fling at your opponent. Your ending army will look like this.

  • 1 Aristarch: (Warlord) 90 Points Infantry Medium
    • 24 Hoplites: 275 Points Infantry Medium (With Dorilates)
    • 12 Thorakites: 165 Points Infantry Light (With Xypharchos)
    • 3 Minotaur Thyreans: 190 Points Heavy Brute
    • Promethean: 230 Points Monster Medium
  • 1 Polemarch: 90 Points Infantry Medium
    • 24 Phalangites: 300 Points Infantry Medium (With Dorolates)
    • 12 Thorakites: 165 Points Infantry Light (With Xypharchos)
    • 3 Minotaur Thyreans: 190 Points Heavy Brute
    • Hephaestian: 250 Points Monster Heavy
  • Total 1945 Points

Here is how I would envision this army working out. You lead out with at least one light regiment, and if you get lucky on the roll, both put some turn-one pressure on your opponent. Then round 2, you bring in for sure one of your blocks, probably the Hopalites, to be your anvil, and if you are lucky, you can bring both blocks in. Round 3 You auto-select one of the heavy units, and odds are, if you have not gotten in your other block of troops, you can get that in.

Round 4 brings in your Promethean if he isn’t on the board already, which is perfect for him as he is there to enter the fray as a melee support specialist. At this point, I would expect your Thorakites to have either perished or be filling gaps and your two anvils locked up while a unit of Minotaurs or Hephaestian threatens a flank.

Rounds 4 and 5, with your placement of your Promethean and how you toss out your heavy units, will determine whether your anvils survive or crumble, and so are the most important turns. After that, it is claiming those objectives and getting into your opponent’s backfield.

We have an extra 55 Points to play with, so let’s add some upgrades to our two heroes to round out this army. I am just choosing the armor upgrades because your leaders are all about supporting those anvils around them, and they need to stay alive as long as possible.

  • Aristarch
    • Living Breastplate: 20 Points
  • Polemarch
    • Chrysaor’s Helmet: 35 Points

This cost and list will for sure change with City States’ new models coming out, but as of this writing, units, and warband leaders are slightly limited, so you have to work with what you got.

Total Points: 2000. Total Cost: 500 bucks (but you are rocking two centerpiece models…)

How to Play Conquest Nords

Click Here To Order Yours For Less

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