GW Reveals New Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk!

new-cities-of-sigmar-model-Fusil-Major-on-Ogor-Warhulk-1The new Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk is what happens when you combine a sniper and an Ogor in one model- check it out!

Games Workshop has slowly been revealing models and renders for the Cities of Sigmar, and it’s always nice to see more! This model is much more insane than the first set of new models for 2023, and it gives you an idea of where GW is taking the line.

AoS Book Roadmap 2023They are generally a little ways off, but once we start seeing new model previews, it means we don’t have too much longer to wait, like Autumn.

It’s nice to have a solid release date and some new miniatures to look at as well! 

GW Reveals New Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk!

The new Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk model and rules come from Warhammer Community.

Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk 2

The inspired combination of a keen-eyed gunner, a hulking ogor, and an elevated firing platform was first pioneered in Greywater Fastness, where the sprawling swamps of Ghoul Mere made heavy artillery nearly impossible to deploy. Now, a Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk stands at each corner of every Castelite formation, serving multiple roles – lookout, sniper, and formidable flank defence.

GW has done a few Master Blaster-style minis before, but this one is really cool! You get a sniper and an Ogor with a massive shield to protect the gunner and hold your flank down. If you were hoping GW would take the line in a bit of a wild direction, they seem to have you covered!

Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk

Second-generation city ogors are known for their remarkable ability to keep their stomachs under control for hours at a time – but nevertheless make for unpredictable steeds. How would you like a tiny boss who clambers up your shoulders just to bark orders down at you? Longer-lasting Warhulk pairings tend to rely on a bond beyond that of rank and command, such as a life debt or a lost bet. 

From the looks of it, there will be some extra heads, a couple of weapon options, and a bunch of arms. The model from the video looked to have plenty of options and could even switch the arms around.

New Age of Sigmar Cities of Sigmar Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk Rules

Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk 3

From atop their mobile watchtower a Fusil-major can unleash crack shots with little distraction, eliminating key enemy assets and forcing whole fronts to collapse without command. The Fortified Position created when an Ogor Warhulk plants its feet and pavise into the ground makes them nigh-unassailable by enemy counterfire, ignoring the Rend on all ranged attacks that target it.

If you find the perfect spot to set this up, there is no need to move it, as you’ll get far better saves!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the new Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk for the Cities of Sigmar?

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