New Inquisitors Rules Rage Into Star Wars Shatterpoint!

Fourth Sister Rules shatterpointHere are the rules for Inquisitors in Star Wars: Shatterpoint, including the Grand Inquisitor, Fallen Jedi, and Third Sister in the Jedi Hunters Expansion box set.

If you want to see the core set and where you can grab yours, you can check that out here.  For now, though, let’s check out the new rules revealed by Atomic Mass Games.

Let’s take a look at the expansion itself first, which you can order here, or if you’re reading this after 7/7/2023, you can pick it up from your favorite local store! 

Star Wars Shatterpoint Jedi Hunters: $49.99

Click here to order yours from | Amazon | Asmodee Website |

Star Wars Shatterpoint Jedi HuntersHere’s what they have to say about the new set:

The last remnants of the Jedi Order tremble in fear as Inquisitors stalk them to the farthest corners of the galaxy! The Grand Inquisitor, a long-lived Pau’an, leads the Inquisitorius at Darth Vader’s behest, an elite order of Force-sensitive agents strong in the dark side who hunt those who escaped the Order 66 purge.


Star Wars Shatterpoint Jedi Hunters 2

A former Jedi, himself, he has turned this fervor to the destruction of his former allies. He is joined in this task by Inquisitors referred to as brothers and sisters, each given a number demarking the order of their initiations.

New Inquisitors Rules Rage Into Star Wars Shatterpoint!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Inquisitors Rules

As might be expected, he fights ably alongside other members of the Inquisitorius. You Know Who We Are represents this ominous teamwork, a Tactics Ability allowing them to dash swiftly to engage. One would never refer to the Grand Inquisitor as a kind mentor, but sometimes being harsh produces results. With Clearly, You Were a Poor Student, the Grand Inquisitor mocks his foes, compelling his inquisitors to fight with renewed vigor. This provides some healing after wounding an enemy, also refreshing Force tokens if the wounded was a force user, the inquisition’s favored targets. 

With Secrets Uncovered, he can immediately neutralize control of a nearby objective, forcing opponents to closely guard any objective they want to secure. And his Reactive Ability The Temple Records Are Quite Complete allows him to adapt his Stance to better suit his needs as soon as he is engaged, as well as gaining additional dice on defense.

The Grand Inquisitor gives free moves to other inquisitors and force enemies off of objectives (because he knows their darkest secrets, obviously). However, he shines when in melee as he can not only flip his stance card, but he can also gain two defense dice!

Then, he lets allied Inquisitors heal and refresh by wounding force users. So if you’re going against some pesky force users, he’s the model to pick up!

Perhaps the most important about these rules is the fact that this strike team seems to be the first to be allowed in both Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War eras.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Inquisitors Rules 2

Form II Makashi, his dueling form, is particularly suited for aggressive lightsaber engagements. Though sacrificing some defensive capability, this Stance’s Melee Attack Expertise Chart offers strong added damage, as does its Combat Tree, which can also Pin and Strain or Expose a foe, and potentially allow the Grand Inquisitor to Dash or Jump.

There are times when facing a particularly dangerous adversary when the Grand Inquisitor will prefer instead to adopt Form V Djem So, which bolsters his defenses in exchange for lowering his damage output by a small degree. This highly flexible Stance has a superlative Adaptive Fighter defense Expertise Chart, making him much more difficult to injure. On the offensive, it also offers several options unavailable in his other Stance, such as the ability to Disarm or do up to three Shoves, as well as potentially letting the Grand Inquisitor strategically Reposition.

His stance cards are great as they are so flexible, give tons of bonuses, and he can choose to go either more defensive or offensive. He is a jack of all trades with plenty of power and movement options.

Third Sister Rules

Star Wars Shatterpoint Inquisitors Rules 3

Working with other inquisitors, Reva can Call the Hunt to provide a free dash and attack to a supporting Inquisitorious character. She can also exploit existing conditions on her quarry to inflict even more powerful attacks by Your Fear Betrays You. This ability makes it particularly advantageous for Reva to attack after several of her allies, becoming the ideal finisher.

Call the Hunt is super cool, as it not only can move allied characters, but also let them make a five dice attack! Then, she can Force Jump and Deflect. Lastly, Your Fear Betrays You will get her a ton of extra attack dice and let her deal some damage.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Inquisitors Rules 4

The Third Sister may be a Secondary Unit but can prove quite capable in a lightsaber duel, employing her Form II Makashi Stance, which lets her become very aggressive and lethal. Third Sister focuses on a strong offensive posture in combat, but while she has a relatively low melee defense stat, she gains a great benefit from even a single expertise result in her defense rolls. She prefers to sweep in on a powerful attack with her spinning lightsaber, making use of its Combat Tree to inflict up to three Shoves as well as potentially exposing her adversary and dealing substantial damage.

For a secondary unit, she really can dish out a lot of damage, has some good defense (low dice count, but expertise rolls are super strong), and has a ton of movement options.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Fifth Brother Rules

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He is nonetheless a potent adversary, able to use Force Jump to reach higher elevations, and Force Repulse to shove surrounding adversaries away when surrounded. He can aid his fellow Inquisitorious units by using the Reactive Ability Enfeeble to Expose a target even as an ally attacks. His implacable nature makes him ideal for seizing battlefield objectives, with Resolve granting Protection and Steadfast when contesting, and winning all ties thanks to his Inquisitorial Mandate.

He has some cool movement mechanics with Force Repulse and Jump. Then, with Enfeeble, Resolve, and Inquisitorial Mandate, he will be tough overall, hard to take objectives from, and can slap other units with conditions.

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Fifth Brother is not especially noted for his subtlety with the lightsaber, but certainly he is effective when employing his Form II Makashi Stance. This aggressive and direct interpretation of this duelist stance deals swift damage to his foe and provides a decent degree of protection. His Combat Tree offers early Expose or Shove options and can also Strain or potentially offer the opportunity to employ Force Repulse or Force Jump as tactical choices.

His spinning Saber is definitely what he’s known for! In combat, he gets a lot of attack dice, and his stance card is quite interesting, with the ability to shove, move, and deal more damage!

Fourth Sister Rules

Fourth Sister Rules shatterpoint 4

Fourth Sister can use Force Jump to move more swiftly or to gain altitude while closing on the enemy but she is best employed to secure important objectives. Force Pull is a highly useful tactical skill, enabling her to reposition adversaries, sometimes bringing them in melee range of herself or her allies. During such coordinated attacks, she can employ Enfeeble to Pin a targeted enemy and keep them in place. Like Fifth Brother, she has the Inquisitorial Mandate, which allows her to win in ties to contest objectives. She is also pragmatic enough to know that sometimes a strategic Swift Retreat is necessary, letting her Reposition after being wounded.

Like Fifth Brother, she can move fast, push, and capture objectives. She can also reposition once wounded, so your opponent must think twice about attacking her.

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Having undergone similarly intensive training under Darth Vader as Fifth Brother, Fourth Sister also has access to a similar Form II Makashi Stance, offering excellent aggressive attacks, trading the ability to Pin for Fifth Brother’s Expose option. When more than one Inquisitor converges on an adversary, they can rapidly bring the foe down, a reputation which has made the Inquisitorius rightfully dreaded.

Her stance tree is similar but with a little more movement than Fifth Brother’s.

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!