40k: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck Changes Reivew Guide

new warhammer 40k pariah nexus missions secondaries objectives 2Here is your guide and review of all the new Pariah Nexus Mission Deck, cards, and Tournament Companion changes for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition!

Warhammer 40k is getting a makeover once again – no surprise there! The Pariah Nexus Mission Deck has added new primaries and secondary objectives, says goodbye to gambits, and introduces secret missions to games instead.

40k Pariah Nexus Mission Deck & Tournament Companion: Review Guide

Pariah Nexus Mission Deck Retail Price: $35 CAD $41.00

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40k Mission pack 10th Edition mission cards

Warhammer 40K - Objective Set: Pariah Nexus
  • These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints
  • Theme: FANTASY
  • Language: english
  • Number of players: 4
  • Container type: Box

Last update on 2024-07-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

The Pariah Nexus Mission Deck and Tournament Companion are here, bringing a fresh set of challenges and opportunities to the battlefield. As we say farewell to Leviathan, this new mission pack introduces primary, secondary, and secret missions designed to keep your games fast-paced and varied. The new 10th Edition mission cards should really make your games feel fresh!

With new deployment rules, mission objectives, and even pop-out objective tokens, the Pariah Nexus Mission Deck and new 10th Edition cards are set to revolutionize how you play Warhammer 40k.

This review guide will help you understand the latest changes in Pariah Nexus, and make the most of your games. Here’s a link to each section of the updates so you can jump to what interests you the most!

Overview of the Warhammer 40k Pariah Nexus Mission Deck

MOnolith invasion

So, what’s new with the 40k Pariah Nexus Mission Deck? For starters, we’ve got a whole new set of primary and secondary missions that focus on Battleline units. This means your rank-and-file troops are more important than ever. Gone are the days of relying solely on elite units to carry the day. Now, your core warriors will have to step up and perform crucial tasks to secure victory.

The mission pack and 10th Edition cards also introduce new deployment rules and fresh mission objectives that offer a balanced challenge for both competitive and casual players. The emphasis on Battleline units brings a new strategic layer to the game, encouraging players to rethink their army compositions and tactics.

40k Pariah Nexus Mission Deck Summary, Review, & FAQ

Warhamemr 40k 10th Edition hor wal title gw schedule new releases

Games Workshop is releasing a new Chapter Approved: Pariah Nexus Mission Deck and cards for 10th Edition of Warhammer 40k this summer, rotating out the current mission deck on June 22nd, 2024.

There are new fresh cards for deployment, mission rules, objectives, and, of course, the Secret Missions, along with nifty pop-out objective tokens and deck rules.

  • What’s Changing: The new mission pack will introduce new primary, secondary, and secret missions, along with new deployments, refreshing the game and offering a balanced challenge for hobbyists.
  • Focus on Battlelines: The new primary missions focus on BATTLELINE units, providing benefits and opportunities for core rank-and-file warriors, such as raising banners and gaining additional Victory Points. 4. The three new primary missions challenge the speed and endurance of armies in new ways, offering diverse strategies for players to consider.
  • Improved Timing: The updated secondary missions aim to improve communication about when and how points are scored. They involve tasks like booby-trapping terrain features, securing board edges, and targeting specific enemy units.
  • Secret Missions: The addition of Secret Missions introduces a new element of hidden objectives, allowing players to earn extra Victory Points if they fulfill the card’s special condition by the end of the game.
  • Players of All Types: The changes and additions to the missions are expected to bring a fresh and balanced challenge to the game, catering to both tournament players and casual gamers.

Key Changes from Leviathan to Pariah Nexus Review Guide

World Eaters ImageOne of the biggest changes in the Pariah Nexus Mission Deck and 10th Edition cards is the shift away from gambits to secret missions, which we will review below. These secret missions are hidden from your opponent until the end of the game, adding an element of surprise and strategy. If you’re behind on the primary mission, a well-timed secret mission can turn the tide in your favor.

Another major update is the inclusion of new primary missions that challenge the speed and endurance of your army. For example, the Terraform mission rewards players for performing special actions on objectives, regardless of control.

This means you’ll need to decide whether to secure quick points or focus on long-term control.

Core Rule Changes & Their Impact

Balance Dataslate 15Hey, just a heads up – the June 2024 Balance Dataslate has dropped some serious updates to the core rules of Warhammer 40,000. They’ve basically amped up the rules to make it more tactical and fair. And yeah, we’ve got the deets on the rule changes right here!

New Mission Types and Objectives

You’re in for a treat with our Warhammer 40k Pariah Nexus Mission Deck review guide. The new missions spice things up with new primary, secondary, and secret missions, making every battle a one-of-a-kind challenge.

Check out these new mission types and objectives to see how they’ll shake up your games.

New Primary Missions

new warhammer 40k pariah nexus missions secondaries objectives 1 10th Edition mission cards

The new season of missions for Warhammer 40k is back with a bang, taking us to the Pariah Nexus. The new Mission Rules really give Battleline units a chance to shine, as half of these missions are all about the core rank-and-file warriors of Warhammer 40k.

This means you can do cool stuff like Raising Banners, getting extra Victory points (VP) for the Secondary Mission, or making moves to the enemy’s flank right at the start of the game with Rapid Escalation.40k Mission pack 2 10th Edition mission cards

Having a strong Battleline roster is extremely valuable because it allows your tough troops to do much more than just hold backfield objectives.

Rapid Escalation is a pretty wild mission rule. You can set up 10% of your units in reserve and bring them in from any edge on turn one as long as it’s not in the enemy deployment zone.

40k Mission pack 3 10th Edition mission cards

The three new primary missions in the 10th Edition mission cards will challenge the speed and endurance of your army in new ways. Terraform, in particular, can disrupt slow or defensive forces by rewarding Victory Points to the first player to perform a special action on each objective, regardless of whether they maintain control or not.

Players must decide whether to prioritize earning points quickly and secure a steady income or to take advantage of an opponent’s haste to gradually gain control of the battlefield and earn a larger tally for occupying objectives throughout the game.

Secondary Missions

40k Mission pack 4 10th Edition mission cards

The updated design of Secondary Missions aims to improve the communication of when and how points are scored, particularly for those with rewards that differ between Fixed and Tactical Missions.

The new missions involve tasks like booby-trapping terrain features, securing board edges, and trying to destroy specific enemy units that the opponent has marked for death. This decision presents a double-edged sword, as it can offer a tough challenge by choosing durable, elite units, but it also puts a huge target on their valuable heads.

Secret Missions Replace Gambits

40k Mission pack 5In Secret Missions, players keep their objectives hidden from opponents until the end of the game. With a choice of four missions, players must use deductive skills to figure out and block the enemy’s plans. At the end of the third Battle Round, players can choose to undertake a Secret Mission if their Victory Points from the Primary Mission are less than or equal to their opponent’s.

There is no randomness with Secret Missions; you just get to pick one. If players manage to fulfill the card’s special condition by the end of the game, they will earn 20 victory points (VP).

Secret Missions How to score
Command Insertion Ensure your Warlord is within range of an objective you control in the enemy deployment zone.
War of attrition Get a Battleline unit into the enemy deployment zone and either eliminate the enemy Battleline or confine all their Battleline to their deployment zone.
Unbroken wall Secure three or more objective markers located outside your deployment zone.
Shatter Cohesion Wipe out the enemy, or ensure every enemy unit is battle-shocked, below half strength, or more than 3” away from all objective markers.

However, there’s a limitation – players who choose a Secret Mission cannot score more than 20VP from their Primary Mission. Typically, players can score up to 50VP from the Primary Mission, so pursuing a Secret Mission will restrict their total potential points to 40VP, even if they succeed.

Players must carefully consider whether it’s worthwhile to switch tactics and potentially forgo their Primary Mission for the chance to earn extra points.

40k Mission pack 6 10th Edition mission cards

The other two Secret Missions are especially beneficial for armies that experience a resurgence late in the game and can capitalize on an opponent’s rapidly deteriorating army. “Shatter Cohesion” involves aggressively weakening or outright destroying every unit in the opponent’s army while preventing any survivors from reaching objectives.

Alternatively, “Unbroken Wall” rewards points for capturing at least three objectives outside of the deployment zone for those who prefer to control as much territory as possible towards the end of the game.

lvo tables tournament warhammer event

The new mission types and objectives in Warhammer 40k games add some extra spice and strategy. Players gotta put on their thinking caps and strategize to tackle the challenges thrown at them by the Pariah Nexus Mission Deck and Tournament Companion now!

Focusing on Battleline Units

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The new primary missions in the Pariah Nexus Mission Deck really shine a spotlight on Battleline units. These bad boys are now more essential than ever, stepping up to play a crucial role in snagging victory points and completing mission objectives.

Battleline units are the real MVPs in Warhammer 40k, and we’ll show you how to make the most of them to crush the competition on the battlefield.

Battleline Units in Primary Missions

Indomitus Necron Warriors & Royal WardenIn primary missions, Battleline units are no longer just objective holders. They are now the big shots in your strategic plans. Missions like Raising Banners and Rapid Escalation reward Battleline units for specific actions, such as grabbing objectives or pushing into enemy territory.

For example, in Raising Banners, Battleline units can earn extra Victory Points by capturing and holding objectives. This makes players want to throw their Battleline units out there aggressively, rushing to score those key points.

Similarly, in Rapid Escalation, you can stash 10% of your units in reserve and bring them in from any edge on turn one, as long as they are not in the enemy deployment zone. This rule gives your Battleline units a chance to swoop in and make a big impact right from the start.

Examples of Effective Battleline Units

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Ok, so now Battleline units are a big deal. They’re tough and can do a bit of everything on the battlefield, unlike those specialized units.

To really take advantage of this, you need to know which Battleline units will give you the upper hand. Let’s check out some cool examples from different factions.

  • Space Marine Intercessors: Check out these tough units that can really hold their own on the battlefield. They can adapt to different roles and stay effective throughout the fight.
  • Necron Warriors: These guys are tough as nails and can take a beating while holding objectives. Good luck getting rid of them with their Reanimation Protocols keeping them going strong.
  • Ork Boyz: These dudes overwhelm enemies with sheer numbers and charge into battle like there’s no tomorrow. They’re like a wrecking crew when it comes to securing objectives.
  • Tyranid Termagants: These little guys are great at swarming objectives and keeping the pressure on enemy forces. Plus, you can field a ton of them to take on multiple objectives at once.
  • Astra Militarum Infantry Squads: These cost-effective units provide solid fire support and can handle tactical roles with heavy weapon teams. They’re your versatile go-to squad!

Titanic Units: Bigger and Better

Imperial Knights Tactical

Yup, Titanic units just got a massive buff. They can now perform actions and shoot in the same turn. Yep, your big boys are about to become even more fearsome.

Dust off those colossal models and get them ready for action! Just keep in mind they can’t overwatch anymore.

OC 0 Zero Units: A Small Setback


On the flip side, OC 0 or Zero units are losing the ability to perform actions. Poor Nurglings, they’ll have to find new ways to be useful. It’s a small change, but it could have a big impact on your strategy.

Terrain Layouts and Deployment Changes

warhammer 40k tabletop miniatures terrain gaming wal hor

The Pariah Nexus Mission Deck and Tournament Companion shake things up with fresh missions and big changes to terrain layouts and deployment rules- we’ll have a look at them all in this review guide.  These updates aim to level up the game experience by impacting how battles are fought and how armies are deployed.

Overview of New Terrain Layouts

terrain layouts pariah nexus 10th Edition mission cards

The new terrain layouts come with all the deets and guidelines for precise setup. No more arguments about where to put stuff—both players have a fair shot at using the battlefield to their advantage.

Deployment Rule Adjustments

crucible of battle mission layoutThe Pariah Nexus Mission Deck introduces some fancy new deployment rules to spice up the game. One cool change is the introduction of deployment zones of different shapes and sizes, making things interesting for players.

You might find missions with long, narrow deployment zones that force you to spread your forces thin, or compact, central zones that make you huddle up and go on the defensive. to secure and hold objectives, leveraging their strategic importance to gain Victory Points.

Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion Insights

Pariah Nexus 3 Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion 10th Edition mission cardsCheck out the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion – it’s a game-changer for Warhammer 40,000. This guide brings in new rules, cool terrain setups, and mission presets that guarantee fair and epic games.

Recommended Terrain Layouts

Pariah Nexus terrain layout 1 Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion The Tournament Companion has awesome terrain layouts that emphasize balanced lines of sight, strategic cover, and varied terrain features. Best of all, they ensure that no single army can dominate the battlefield just because of good terrain placement.

For instance, Layout 1 has a central ruin and strategic terrain pieces that block line of sight and provide cover. This layout really makes players think about their moves.

terrain layout 2 pariah nexus Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion 10th Edition mission cards

terrain layout 3 pariah nexus Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion 10th Edition mission cards

terrain layout 4 pariah nexus Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion

Layouts like two and four each bring their own challenges and fun, making every game different and exciting.

Mission Presets for Competitive Play

Pariah Nexus Tournament Missions Pool Title Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion 10th Edition mission cards

The Tournament Companion has these cool mission presets that make setting up a breeze and keep games fair. These presets come with primary and secondary missions, as well as rules, so everyone has a consistent experience.

For instance, the missions offer challenges like Take and Hold, Scorched Earth, and The Ritual, each bringing something different to the table. Plus, many of these missions are all about Battleline units, so you’ve got to have a well-rounded army.

Pariah Nexus Tournament Missions Pool Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion 10th Edition mission cards

These presets also come with specific deployment zones and terrain layouts to make sure each match starts on an even keel. This consistency is super important for competitive play since even tiny advantages can make a big difference in the game’s outcome. You can download the tournament companion here!

Embracing the New Meta

The Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion and Mission Deck are a game-changer for Warhammer 40k. They’ve got killer terrain layouts, mission presets, and fair guidelines to level up your gameplay. Be sure to embrace these tips, tweak your strategies, get those reps in, study the 10th Edition mission cards, and crush it in your next game!

Get 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Terrain In 4 Different Themes

Battle Ready Terrain Red Bases Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion Squad Mark’s popular 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Battle Ready Terrain tournament sets are now available in four different themes, and perfect for the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion!

Here are the latest updates from the Warhammer 40k universe and tabletop game!

What do you think about the new Pariah Nexus mission deck review guide for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!