Real Anti-Grav: YouTuber Makes Flying RC Space Marines 40k Repulsor Tank

Real-Anti-Grav-YouTuber-Makes-Flying-RC-Space-Marines-40k-Repulsor-TankGroundeffected made an incredible flying remote-controlled Warhammer 40k Space Marines Repulsor Tank that can take to the sky with ease!

Much like with his Flame Thrower Land Raider video, Groundeffected makes an in-depth feature on the methods behind his madness when it comes to this flying Repulsor Tank. Who needs anti-gravity when you’ve got some drone parts and some ingenuity?

flying repulsor Groundeffected

Also, much like his Land Raider, he does warn those who may try and follow in his footsteps that affixing a drone to a miniature comes with risks to the model and yourself, so always use caution.

Real Anti-Grav: YouTuber Makes Flying RC Warhammer 40k Space Marines Repulsor Tank


Let’s see how he got this all done from his video.

Hollowing out a Mini

The first thing that he does is hollow out the tank and shed as much weight as he can without messing up the aesthetics.

Tank Vent Carving

In addition to the initial carving, he knocks out the back and top vents so the drone can get some airflow.

Drone Base 1

Then comes the first drone base that he can set up to magnetize with the Repulsor shell.

Rc Drone

He builds his 3D-printed base for the drone, and it all comes together rather nicely.

Flying Repulsor Tank

After magnetizing the shell to the drone, everything was ready for the inaugural flight.

Broken Drone Base

Disaster strikes! We don’t actually get to see what happens in the video, but he explains that there was too much resonance in the base, which caused it to break within the first few seconds.

New Drone base

He tests out his next much thicker base for the drone and confirms there is still hope for take-off.

Flying Repulsor Tank

Success! After raising the stakes with a sick paint job, we finally see the Repulsor Tank raised to its rightful glory!

Make sure you check out the video below to get some more details on the flying RC Warhammer 40k Tank as well watching some of that sweet flight action.

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