The Fuses are Lit; New Freeguild Fusiliers Pack a Powdered Punch!

Freeguild-Fusiliers-cities-age-of-SigmarThe new Freeguild Fusiliers are packing enough firepower to throw volley after volley at all the enemies of Sigmar!

The Cities of Sigmar’s new Freeguild Fuisilers have dug in their pavises for this latest reveal. Games Workshop is on a roll with these reveals, this one, not all that long after the Fusil-Major hit the scene and the Launch Box for the army.

The Fuses are Lit; New Freeguild Fusiliers Pack a Powdered Punch!

The new Freeguild Fusiliers for Age of Sigmar comes from Warhammer Community.

freeguild fusiliers 1

These thundering reports cut down charging Orruks by the dozen – handy, considering their gear leaves them little melee defence. Against daemons, gheists, and other ungodly abominations, they use shot inscribed with sigils or blessed by lifewater. They fly their banner high, as much a memento mori as a rallying standard, reminding themselves that death is just one missed shot away.

These walking mini-battlements look sick! Packing heavy firepower behind moving fortifications will surely strike fear into any Orruk that shows its face on the battlefield.

Resupply Run

None of this would be possible without the dedication of the Blackpowder Squires. Slight and elegant, these runners never stop moving, providing fresh ammunition and powder to the Fusilier line, ensuring it performs at peak performance. A well-timed Resupply Run allows a unit to re-roll hit rolls once per battle, ensuring that only devastation and twitching corpses are left lying in the dirt before them.

As long as you’ve got your Blackpowder Squires nearby, you can resupply for re-rolls in the late game to the top of the fusiliers’ devastating missile volleys!

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