Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger Charges Into MCP With New Rules

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger rulesHere are the new Marvel Crisis Protocol rules for Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger from Earth’s Mightiest Core Set!

As you all know, Atomic Mass Games has gone about painstakingly updating and refreshing the core set for Marvel Crisis Protocol to celebrate its 4th Anniversary. In addition to giving it a facelift, it looks like they’ve updated the heroes’ rules within, including Captain Marvel. Who has two different character cards!

If you haven’t already checked it out, the new Earth’s Mightiest Core Set drops on October 13th, 2023, but is available for pre-order over on Asmodee’s website right now if it’s before then.


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Earth's Mightiest Core Set

This new core set maintains all the current rules of Crisis Protocol but packages them into a Core Set that has been updated in every other way to create the next evolution of entry points into Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

Earth's Mightiest Core Set 2

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger Charges Into MCP With New Rules

The new Marvel Crisis Protocol rules for Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger from Earth’s Mightiest Core Set come from AMG.

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger rules 2

To start things off strong, we’ll take a look at her two attacks. Her Photon Blast is sure to leave more than a sunburn as it lances out from Range 4 with a 5 dice attack. Not only does this Energy attack provide her Power equal to the damage she deals, a Wild in the roll will allow her to zip around the battlefield with the Pursuit special rule. This rule provides her a Short Advance toward the target character, allowing her the option of repositioning herself.

Even if the glow of her Binary form hasn’t blinded the opponent, she may still just deafen them with her Sonic Boom. This Range 3 Physical attack hits with a Strength 6 and costs zero Power to use. It also provides her Power equal to the damage she deals and is a Concussive strike, meaning a Wild in the attack roll will cause the target character to lose 1 Power.

The first set of her cards is all about gaining power, none of the abilities or attacks take power, but they are still quite strong. She can either use an attack to advance and gain power, or she can take away power from an enemy, so both are solid for sure!

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger rules 3

Her Enhanced Energy Absorption is an innate superpower that allows her to change an attacker’s Critical, Wild and Hit results to a Blank for every Wild in her defense roll. Not only does this work against Energy attacks, it also now works when she is defending herself against Mystic Attacks! As an added bonus, she will gain 1 Power for every die she changes this way.

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger often has a cocky, confident attitude during a fight and isn’t shy about letting her opponent know when they aren’t giving her much of a challenge. You Call That A Punch? is an innate superpower that provides her 1 Power anytime she takes damage from an enemy effect. Since you gain Power for damage from enemy effects anyways, this is a great way to double dip on the Power generation. She also still has the innate superpowers Flight and Immunity to Incinerate and Poison in her normal form.

She also has immunity and flight, gains power every time she takes damage, can change defense rolls to blanks ( while gaining power from them), and most importantly, she can transform! With all her abilities to gain power, you should get to six fairly quickly to then use her binary form.

Binary Character Card

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger rules 4

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger’s Binary form has the same base stats as her Normal form, but access to two new attack options and a host of superpowers. Her Binary Blast is a Range 2, Strength 6 energy attack. It does cost her 1 Power to use, but it allows her to Push any character (regardless of size!) Short and can also Incinerate them if she rolls a Wild during the attack. This short-range wallop is just the first of the control elements she now brings to her team.

Warbird is an explosive new attack available to her Binary form. This attack costs her 3 Power to use, can reach out to Range 3 and hits with Strength 8. It also provides two different special rules to change up the board state. It allows her to Place herself within Range 2 of the target character and, when she rolls a Wild, it allows her to Throw the target character Short (again, regardless of its size). Something to note is that because both of those rules share the “after this attack is resolved” timing, you can pick the order they resolve in. Whether you want to Throw the enemy character first to get a little more distance for Captain Marvel’s placement or you want to Place her first and then throw the enemy off an objective point, the option is yours! If that wasn’t enough, this Energy attack also has the Explosive rule when she rolls a Critical and Wild. This means before damage is dealt, other enemy characters within range 2 of the target character will suffer 1 damage.

This form is when you start using up all your saved up power, starting with Binary Blast, which pushes the enemy and gives them incinerate. Warbird is super strong as it not only lets her move, it throws the enemy character and does damage to all enemies around!

Then, I’m Just Getting Warmed Up lets you throw Size 4 terrain or a character Medium, which is quite a strong throw action, especially when you use Ready or Not.

Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger rules 5

Recognizing the power she has at her fingertips; Captain Marvel always likes to be in the vanguard of the fight. Once her Binary form is active, she rushes into battle whether the enemy is Ready or Not…This active superpower doesn’t cost her any power to use and allows her to perform two actions for the cost of one! When using this superpower, she makes a move action followed by an attack action.  Luckily for the enemy, she can only use it once per turn.

A true sight to behold is Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger exploding with energy as she transforms into her Binary form at the start of her Activation, shouting Ready or Not…as she charges a heavily fortified enemy objective, smashing one opponent with a Warbird attack and throwing them into the distance before smirking at their buddy, telling him I’m Just Getting Warmed Up and then creating a pile of bodies by Throwing him into the first guy! That last enemy character sitting on the point? That guy gets a Binary Blast right in the face and is Pushed off, leaving Captain Marvel in sole possession of the objective. All of that? All of that just happened with the bare minimum Power available to her when she transforms into her Binary form

With Ready or Not, she can just cause all kinds of havoc and throw multiple characters around.  Captain Marvel gains more immunity in this form, still absorb attacks to gain power, and lastly, can transform back into her normal form.

However, when she gets into her Binary form, she can create all kinds of chaos in the game.

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Will you be picking the Earth’s Mightiest Core Set up, and what do you think of the new rules for Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger? 

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