Get to the Chopper: New Catachans & Eldar 40k Box RUMORS

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopRumors say a new Catachans and Eldar Box is coming for 40k Kill Team, but it could end up being Space Marines scouts too!

Catachans have not got love from GW in a long time! Well, they have grabbed a few characters here and there, but nothing in the way of actual troops. So, this would be a fantastic rumor if true because who doesn’t want a box set straight out of the Predator movie? We sure do, and with the Catachan box set dating from 1999, a rework couldn’t hurt either!

However, there is some back and forth to the rumor as people believe they are resizing Space Marines Scouts, which would make sense why GW put the old ones to Legends. Before we jump into the rumors, just remember these are rumors, and nothing is true until GW confirms it!

So take this with as much salt as you need.

Get to the Chopper: New Catachans & Eldar Box RUMORS

The latest comes from Reddit.

catachans - Copy

Word I got from a local GW Rep is that there is a very reasonable chance of Catachans vs Aeldari coming out in a Killteam box. Add copious amounts of salt here, but the vibe I had was that he’s seen it. I didn’t dig too deep as I’m not interested in getting anyone into trouble. He mentioned the Krieg box, how well it did, and lightly hinted that it would be a long those lines.

I’ve got my fingers crossed and hope it’s true! Anyone else heard anything? I remember some talk a while back about a possible Aeldari striking scorpions refresh so maybe related?

This makes sense if you look back at the releases for Kill Team and newer units coming to the game. Especially when you take into account just how well the Krieg and Kasrkin boxes did and the number of people who would probably pick up a box with new Catachans.

From the trend set with Kill Team, this seems to be how Games Workshop wants to add individual units to the game, especially for Imperial Guard. This would let them release reworked regiments to the line without a massive release wave!

Catachans and Eldar boxThis also doesn’t take into account that we’ve seen a video that sounded like the (movie) Predator in the background, which could very well be Striking Scorpions. We’ve heard rumors about their rework for a long time, and with Howling Banshees getting one in 2019, there is some precedence.

Plus, the models are also ancient that we have now, and they could be some of the coolest out there! However, there is a little bit of differing opinions on this matter.

Possible Scouts Rework

sm scoutsComing from Bolter and Chainsword, Valrak weighed in on the matter.

Scouts vs Scorpions, trust me 🙂 

I’m expecting the new Scouts to be heavily based on the BT Neophyte models. Any more snippets? I dunno.. shoulder-mounted heavy bolter?

Mohican haircuts?

Hearing a Couple of Snipers and Heavy Bolters in there, guess we’ll see soon 🙂

So, them having bare arms and not super heavily armored could also easily be scouts. They also fit the aesthetic of Kill Team, as they are specialists. This would also make sense why GW moved one of the most iconic units to Legends because they are reworking them to the new Primaris style Neophyte size!

We’ll have to see who turns out right, but the consensus does seem to be Striking Scorpions. For the other side of the box, it will be a classic unit getting reworked.

The best part is, if you take the context of those rumors and apply it to this preview, there seems to be some overlap, especially with the jungle setting…

More New Kill Team: Plastic Eldar Striking Scorpions or Exodites

kill team teaser

Judging by the (Predator Movie Monster-like) noise at the end and the Jungle-like depiction, this could be the long-awaited introduction of new plastic Striking Scorpions or even Exodite Eldar models.

Either way, this is a preview for the next edition of Kill Team this fall and will definitely feature Aeldari.

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