Rules For Playing Imperial Knights in Legions Imperialis!

The-Horus-Heresy-–-Legions-Imperialis-warhammer-40k-epic-scaleThere will be plenty of Imperial Knights in Legions Imperialis, here’s their rules and how you can take them in your games!

GW already said Adeptus Titanicus would be rolled into this game, with most new Titan rules and models being focused on LI. So, it’s nice to know how you can actually play with them in the game!

They also announced the game would be pushed back some, but this gives us some more time to decide on the game by looking at the rules! If you want to see some more core rules, you can check those out here.

Rules For Imperial Knights in Legions Imperialis!

The new rules for Imperial Knights in Legions Imperialis come from Warhammer Community.

Legions Imperialis Knights rules

While your Primary Army List of Legiones Astartes or Solar Auxilia must account for 70% of your total points, the remaining 30% can comprise allies, including Knight Household Lance Formations. Questing knights, leggy knights, knights that look like walking eggs, even miniature Armigers – you can have them all. 

They said the majority of the games are meant to be played at 3,000 points, which means you could have 900 points in Knights!

Legions Imperialis Knights rules 2

This Formation is made up of a single Knight Banner, which consists of one pattern type – Questoris, Cerastus, or Acastus – with the option to customise them. You can add extra Knights of the same chassis, upgrade a Cerastus into an Atrapos, or have a swarm of Armigers to tag along.

You can take a few of the main Knights, upgrade them, and add on a ton of smaller Knights to fill out the formation. Since we don’t have points yet, we really don’t know just how many Knights will fit into 900 points. While they don’t say, we hope there will also be other formations to choose from.

Legions Imperialis Knights rules 3

These towering mechanical warriors are tough combatants – even the Armigers have a sturdy 3+ save, while Knights Acastus get 2+, effectively as budget Titans. On top of this, every Knight is also equipped with an Ion Shield, which neuters the AP of enemy weapons firing at their front arc. 

It makes sense all of them are going to have great saves, and Ion Shields are even better because they basically cut the AP in more than half. Just make sure you face your model toward the most incoming shots!


Legions Imperialis Knights rules 4

But if you’re facing off against these towering terrors, how do you take them out? Make careful use of battlefield positioning to bait your opponent into revealing their vulnerable rear arcs, then unload everything you’ve got. There’s no need to worry about side arcs in Legions Imperialis, everything just splits down right across the middle of the base or model. 

It looks like the side arcs are gone completely, and now there are only front and back. Meaning you need to get to the back to get rid of the ion shields or have bonuses for attacking.

Naturally, Knights are for more than just tanking damage, they’re equally able to dish out destruction on their own with a vast array of weapons, and a Close Assault Factor of +8 at minimum.

Obviously, they will be super strong in both shooting in combat, not only tanking damage! A minimum of +8 CAF is insane, as this will let them crush nearly everything.

Engine Killer Weapons

Legions Imperialis Knights rules 5

Weapons like the Thermal Spear, the Thermal Cannon, and the Atrapos Lascutter all come with the Engine Killer (X) trait, which makes them ideal for hunting super-heavy armour, dealing an additional number of wounds equal to the value in the brackets, in these cases enough to crater a Kratos in a single shot.

If you know you’re going to be up against a bunch of Knights, you’ll want plenty of these weapons in your army!

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