Check out the rumored lineup and pricing of all the new Tyranids miniatures that are on the way for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.
We’ve heard rumors that September will be when the Tyranids will be released, but from the two previous editions, we didnt see the first faction releases until October of 2017 and 2020 respectively. Obviously, these are all rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need. Nothing is 100% until GW says it is, so don’t get too worried or excited.
Now, we have some rumors on pricing, but everything is in GBP, but we’ll compare some kits to see what the prices will be like in USD. Just remember that Games Workshop arbitrage is real (how they profit off currency conversions), and even they don’t always follow their own model. Leviathan should have been $230 according to their “normal” arbitrage, but it ended up being $250…
So while these are good guesses, it comes down to literally whatever GW wants to price them at worldwide.
RUMORS: New Tyranids Miniatures Pricing & Lineup
The latest pricing rumors come from Bolter and Chainsword.
These are rumored to be the GBP prices, and most seem close to what we would expect to see from a retail price in USD. Now, let’s compare some prices with what the US prices would look like through Games Workshop’s currency arbitrage:
Honestly, these line up pretty well, and when switch from the UK version of the GW store to the US one. Again, nothing too crazy for 2023 pricing, but maybe the biggest possibility to be more would be the Genestealers, as most new kits of bigger infantry are running for $60, such as all the Space Marine stuff, but this GBP price seems to indicate they may be $55.
Compare these two sets of prices to the Biovore’s retail price rumor above:
It looks like many of the prices will fall in this $50 range, which makes sense with the scale and compared to the first kit when compared to both versions of the Games Workshop site.
However, recently we’ve only seen the Hand of the Archon priced at $55 for an infantry box. So there is a big chance we see the more typical $60 pricing for Genestealers, and it might actually be a £37.50, but again, we’ll have to wait and see.
Be sure to check out the rest of the new Tyranids miniatures that were revealed for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k as this list is missing the new Termgants with special weapons.
- Tyranids Genestealers Miniatures
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All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors
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