New Games Workshop Warhammer Allocations Hit This Week

By Travis Pasch | September 15th, 2023 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Orruks, Warhammer 40k Rumors

GW-allocationsGames Workshop has hit stores with heavy allocations once again, this time for every one of the new AoS Ironjawz Orruks Releases. 

It looks like allocations (or, as GW calls them, “caps”) are back again for new AoS releases. Considering they have been hyping these releases up for weeks, it’s quite sad to see such heavy caps extend to Trugg’s Great Troggherd, Rabble-Rowza, and the new book. 

Allocations have also been going since February 2023, so at this point, it seems to officially be a trend from Games Workshop headed into the fall. 

Heavy Allocations Hamstring New AoS Ironjawz Orruks Releases

Tuskboss on Maw-grunta

  • Tuskboss on Maw-grunta: 3 per store
  • Ardboy Big Boss: 2 per store
  • Orruk Ardboys: 3 per store 
  • Weirdbrute Wrekkaz & Brute Ragerz: 3 per store
  • Zoggrok Anvilsmasha: 2 per store
  • Vanguard: Orruk Warclans: 1 per store
  • Dawnbringers: Book II – Reign of the Brute: 2 per store
  • Trugg’s Great Troggherd: 2 per store
  • Rabble-rowza: 1 per store
  • Gloomspite Gitz Dice Set: no cap
  • Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear: 1 per store

This feels bad, as a lot of these have been kits people have been wanting for a long time. We had a week or two without caps, but they are back with a vengeance this week. Maybe all the new Tyranids stuff gunked up the warehouses. Who really knows?

At this point, though, with seven months of allocations, we don’t see it getting much better. So if you have your eye on any individual unit or character releases, you better get to your store early or try to score them on the webstore before they are gone.

Let’s hope GW does better for the rest of the 10th Edition and AoS heading into next year’s releases because this is quite discouraging for stores moving forward.

Were you planning on getting any of these Orruk releases before these allocations?

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