Comparing Old Striking Scorpions to the New Plastic Ones

striking-scorpions-eldar-new-plastic-miniatures-kill-team-warhammer-40k-horComparing the old models to the new plastic Striking Scorpions miniatures is a fun way to see where GW is going with Eldar Aspect Warriors!

Obviously, the old kit is quite old! The Eldar line is one of the oldest, but luckily, it’s slowly getting reworked, and there are even rumors that seven new Eldar kits will come out with the 10th Edition 40k codex book.

While these new models will come out first in the Kill Team box, they will eventually be out on their own. But if you want it right off the bat, you’ll have to grab the full Kill Team box, but just find someone who wants the new Scouts!

Enough of that FOMO, though; let’s compare some kits.

Comparing the Old Eldar Striking Scorpions to the New Plastic Ones

striking Scorpions

Well, let’s start with the old Striking Scorpion models. First, they are kind of stumpy (not the lithe warriors you read about), their pistols look outdated, and honestly, the real issue here may be that they only have one tactical rock for the whole squad!

The first models were produced in the early 1990s, and the ones pictured above were produced in pewter in the early 2000s and then recast in Finecast after 2011.

striking-scropions-scouts-kill-team-40kThe new kits switch much more into the new aesthetic with much leaner models great-looking pistols, and even their swords look longer! There are also plenty of more bare heads, and the helmets look much better.

But most importantly, there are plenty of tactical rocks around.

Striking Scorpions New Kit

However, while the new kit looks better, when you put them side-by-side, they seem to keep the same feel. It also looks like there will be plenty more options in this kit, as they seem way more poseable. Considering they are going from single pose finecast to a multi-part kit, this only makes sense.

Right now, these models run $50 for six, so let’s hope the price doesn’t exceed $60 for 10 (most of the Kill Team boxes are $60 or $55), but we’ll have to see.

New plastic Striking Scorpions have been years in the making, and since they have done a few of the Aspect Warriors already, it only makes sense they keep the trend going and do them all along with these new rumored kits too.

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