Here’s our pick for the best homebrew 10th Edition Warhammer 40k army list of the week, this time from the SoCal Open 2023.
Check out this excellent homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend that shows that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.
Dark Angels Return: 40k Homebrew Army List From SoCal Open 2023
We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.
FLG SoCal Open 2023: Alex Spathopoulos – Dark Angels 4th Place
Alex’s Dark Angels list was led by an Ancient for a solid body, Azrael for sustained hits and extra CP on a super good body, and an LT for another solid body!
Other datasheets start with a Deathwing Command Squad, a unit of iconic Terminators with fantastic weapons and durability. Hellblasters add great ranged options, while Inceptors also do while being more mobile.
A single Ravenwing Darkshroud brings a bigger mobile unit with decent enough ranged power.
Then there are 3 Repulsor Executioners for some tank models with great ranged weapons, and the last DA unit is a scout squad for some cheap models with a decent movement ability.
The last model in the list, however, is an allied in Callidus, as a single melee model that can go after characters more quickly than others.
Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists
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