Marvel Crisis Protocol Earth’s Mightiest Core Set: Pricing & Value Breakdown

marvel-crisis-protocol-earth's-mightiest-heroes-core-setThe Marvel Crisis Protocol Earth’s Mightiest Core Set has plenty of minis inside, but what kind of value will it have?

Atomic Mass Games has announced something pretty significant for its upcoming MCP anniversary. With their catalog of heroes and villains growing to nine times what it initially was, they’ve released a new and improved Core Set for MCP.

But the one thing we’re all wondering is, what kind of money will it save you? Well, that’s what we’re going to figure out today. Let’s jump into it!


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Earth's Mightiest Core Set

This new core set maintains all the current rules of Crisis Protocol, but packages them into a Core Set that has been updated in every other way to create the next evolution of entry points into Marvel: Crisis Protocol.

We’ll break down both the Villians’ and Heroes’ side; that way, if you’re splitting it with a friend, you know what you’ll save!

Earth’s Mightiest Core Set valueVillians: 

  • Doctor Octopus $34.95 (based on other big base models)
  • Ultron with Grunts $49.99 (based an other models with Grunts)
  • Red Skull, Crossbones, Bucky, and Baron Zemo are basically an Affiliation Pack $59.99

Total Villian MSRP: $144.93

Total savings versus half of the $149.99 box price: $70.43

The terrain we’ll cover later, but that will also be added to the savings of this side.

Earth’s Mightiest Core Set value 2


  • Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger $29.99 (based on Ms. Marvel that has a two-form pack)
  • Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Peter Parker are basically an affiliation pack $59.99

Total Hero MSRP: $89.98

Total savings versus half of the $149.99 box price: $15.48

This seems much lower, but the main reason the villains have more value is due to the Grunts and the large model pack.

Earth’s Mightiest Core Set value 3Terrain and Accessories:

  • The terrain is a bit of a sampler pack but is a mix of  theCrashed Sentinel and NYC Pack with 2 extra cars $80 (based on normal terrain packs with a little more for extras)
  • Movement & Range Tools $19.99
  • Dice Pack $9.95
  • Rules Added Value

Total MSRP: $109.94

Earth's Mightiest Core Set 2Total Value: $344.85

Total savings of the $149.99 box Price: $194.86

Is the Box Worth it?

In short, of course! You get a ton of minis and plenty of stuff for two people to have fun games against one another. If you’re splitting it with a friend, the way the villains’ side is set up, they do save a decent amount more. However, when you add in the terrain, this is just a great buy.

Whether you want all the new minis or if you’re just getting into the game, this is a great starter box. Plus, if you wait just a little while, there’s a chance you’ll be able to find this for even cheaper. Anytime you save more than 100% of the box cost, how can you pass it up?

Get The New Earth’s Mightiest Core Set Here!

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