Updated Weapon Bits Packs Are Perfect for Chaos Space Marines

pop chaos weapon bits havocs

These new Anger Cannon weapon bits from Pop Goes The Monkey are the perfect alternatives for Havocs and Chaos Space Marines alike.

Pop Goes the Monkey always comes out with some of the coolest alternative minis and bits on the market! They have also recently upgraded to Monkey Resin for their kits so that you can get high-quality resin minis for less. Nothing wrong with saving some cash.

This time, they are adding some dope-looking weapon bits to upgrade your Chaos units to heavy lead slingers. The weapons look fantastic and are full of incredible detail while staying affordable.

Enough of this talking; let’s jump into the new weapons!

Chaos Anger Cannon wPack (SM): $14.75

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Here are all the specs on this new weapon:

Inspired by the Chaos Reaper Autocannon, these custom designed weapons are sold unpainted and designed to replace the weapons of your classic 28mm scale, (ie. Firstborn) marine models. 

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This pack includes a heavy weapon, ammo backpack for each gun. The raised insignia and details are meant to make painting easy and to ensuring a consistent and uniform appearance.*

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Fine Detail Plastic (Tan, Clear, etc.) is an acrylic material capable of extremely high detail and contrast without the, sometimes, uneven nature of the previous printing process. Providing the finest layer height and most uniform printing process, this material is the best choice for 3D printed parts that meet the fine detail requirements of our hobby.

Due to the nature of the material, thin and small parts can be brittle, so handle with care. However, some of the Clear Fine Detail parts can be more flexible. For all Fine Detail parts use super glue to adhere these parts to your models.

If you’ve been looking for some alternatives, you have to check out their whole line, as these are just some of the great bits and miniatures they have available.

Click Here to Get Your Chaos Weapon Alternatives!