If you’ve had trouble painting your Necrons, check out our painting metal with a gold trim tutorial that’s great for beginners and veterans alike!
We have a quick tutorial for all of those out there who need some good tips on painting your Necron gold trim and metals quickly while still producing a high-quality finished product. But what’s the best part?
The best part is you barely even need to break out the brushes. You can make your minis’ gold trim look good with these four easy steps!
Painting Necrons Metal & Gold For Beginners Tutorial
Well, the first step is actually to airbrush your metals, but you can also substitute that with a metal spray primer base like Leadbelcher from GW or any of the Army Painter metal sprays! All three options will go great with step 4 of this tutorial.
Step 1:
First (after it’s sprayed silver), we take a bronze Sharpie and hit all the areas we want to give a gold accent. Just think of this as a base coat, so get good coverage, but nothing crazy.
Step 2:
Next, we take a gold Sharpie and do our first highlight, hitting everything we want to be gold but still leaving some bronze visible. Use the same strategy here as you would with normal brush highlighting.
Step 3:
For the final highlight, we take a silver Sharpie and hit just the very edges of everything that’s gold. You can also highlight the raised edges of the metals as well. Or do it after Step 4 for extra POP!
Step 4:
Finally, we take Citadel Nuln Oil Gloss wash and thin it with a mix of 75/25 of water and future floor wax (or 50/50 glazing medium and flow improver). Once you’re happy with the mix, wash the entire model from top to bottom. Once it is all dry (unless you are doing the bonus step), spray the whole thing with a flat matte spray.
Bonus Step:
Wait for the wash to dry, and use the Silver Sharpie from step 3 to highlight the very edges of the Necron’s metal armor!
There you have it, guys super easy, and you barely have to pick up a brush! Gold trim done fast and easy! For more on painting Necrons, check out our post about How To Make Your Weapons GLOW!
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Have you used this technique for painting your Necrons, and what are your favorite colors to use with Sharpies?
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