New Abhorrant Gorewarden is Here to Protect the Flesh Eater Courts!

new flesh eater courts age of sigmar Abhorrant GorewardenThe Abhorrant Gorewarden miniature is on the way to protect the realms of the Flesh Eater Courts and keep out the riff-raff!

We’ve heard rumors for a long time about new FEC models and even saw a sprue in the wild, but it’s way better to have it confirmed by GW!

They also said there would be more models, so fear not, there will be plenty more death on the way!

The Abhorrant Gorewarden is Here to Protect the Flesh Eater Courts!

The latest news on the Abhorrant Gorewarden model comes from Warhammer Community.

Abhorrant Gorewarden

The Gorewardens hold symbolic rings of keys – the ‘keys to the kingdom’, which represent their court-appointed authority over the gates to their lord’s blessed lands. Many also take up the fashion of magnificent ruffs, that mark them like sunbursts as anointed servants of the Summerking. 

Some whisper that these devoted margraves pursue their solemn duty with too great a fervency – verging, perhaps, on territorial obsession – but these are mere murmurings of dissent from jealous courtiers, or intruding miscreants soon to be imprisoned in the cells of the Gorewarden’s keep.

This model looks pretty amazing and even clears up some rumor engines! If you need someone to keep your palace safe, it’s hard to get by this!

Abhorrant Gorewarden 2

It falls to the Gorewardens to roust trespassers, apprehend poachers, and intercept treacherous scouting parties from hostile lands. They rally their swiftest bannermen to meet the task, and these fierce men and women descend upon their quarry as though carried by great wings – the result, surely, of many years spent in the pursuit of their sacred duty. 

We’ll have to see how the rules shape up, but it looks good and has some cool lore, so what more do you need than that?

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the first new model for the Flesh Eater Courts? 

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