Last Day For Big Discounts Storewide: Mystery Boxes, NIB, Sprues & More!

Holiday MTO Sale Black Friday cyber monday 1200Today is the last day to save BIG on everything storewide during our extended Cyber Monday sale, from mystery boxes to even new in-box and sprue items!

You know we couldn’t miss out on all the holiday sales this year! Get 15% off (or more) on our whole store along with free worldwide shipping options for a very limited time!

Here are the TL;DR Details:

  • Get 15% off any MTO Marketplace 3d printed products for the holiday. That’s a solid saving that can certainly add up!
  • Get 15% off Mystery Boxes, New on Sprue (New on Sprue) and New In Box Products (NIB)
  • Plus, get FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING on all orders over $50 in the States, and $75 Worldwide!

There are no coupon codes to remember or copy either; all discounts will be automatically added at checkout!

Get 15% OFF Miniatures, Mystery Boxes, and everything Storewide Now!

3d mto marketplace

Needless to say, there is a ton of stuff on there! With the discount, it would be the perfect time to check out the limited minis section! 

Limited Offerings

arma mechanicus - CopyYou can get deals on deals here! Some of the limited bundles are already cheaper than normal, and you can save even more with the 15% off.
The new Eternus Assault Armor will make an amazing centerpiece for your army or just a great project to paint up. They also make perfect gifts for any gamers in your life.

Ghamak Minis

Ghamak MTOGhamak has some of the coolest minis on the market today, both sci-fi and fantasy! The store has over 90 miniatures from them, so you can finally grab them if you’ve always loved the designs but didn’t have a 3D printer.

lord of hate ghamak all - CopyThe Lord of Hate is just one of the amazing kits from Ghamak in the MTO store. Why not get it for cheaper?

Tank Upgrades:

Tank upgradeTurn your Impuslors into Gladiators with these conversion kits! They come with all the weapon variants, so you can magnetize them and get all the usage out of these kits. Get more for less, and have more time for playing!

Pop Goes the Monkey:

PGtM MTOThere are over 100 items from PGtM in the store, with a ton of the kits being under $10; they are perfect for buffing up your cart and getting that free shipping at the $50 mark!

blood butchersPop Goes the Monkey has so many amazing full minis and bits. Whether you want to buff up your forces with new dudes or just upgrade the ones you have, PGTM has it all! Click This link and see how amazing you can make your next project.

HeresyLab Minis

Heresylab MTOHeresylab has some great minis available in the store for a large range of armies. You might as well grab that one you’ve been eyeing up before the sale ends!

Heresy Lab AssassinWith the Assassin bundle already on sale, you can stack your deals and save even more now. Grab all four assassins for an amazing price and get free shipping as well!


crusaders 1 600 x 600 - CopyWhen you buy the Crusader bundle, you save $40 dollars in total. It’s not too bad when you get two amazing minis!

Tight Bore Designs

Space Marines Conversion Bits

Tight Bore Design has a ton of fantastic conversion bits that are perfect for 40k factions like Space Marines. Now, we’ve partnered with them to bring you their incredible designs to the States and beyond in far stronger resin. 

There have been a lot of teasers out there for new Primaris jump-pack dudes, so you might as well get yours ready ahead of time and set them apart from all the new units that are going to be out there!

Double Turret V2 Conversion Bits: (Varying Depending on Choices)

Space Marines Conversion Bits 6If you want all the guns for your tank and have an easy way to magnetize them, this kit is the way to do it!

El Camino Rear Canopy V1 Space Marines Conversion Bits: $45.99

El Camino Rear CanopyIf you want to change up the look of your tank in no time and close them off, these are perfect!

The kit includes a bunch of different styles, meaning you can choose your favorite or magnetize them.

50% OFF Miniatures of The Month


Here today, gone tomorrow! This is our curated list of great designers and miniatures that you will enjoy, all for 50% off. No more BOGO; just buy what you want!

Oh, and with an additional 15% off on top of a 50% discount already, there are some serious savings to be had here!

Buy NIB & Used Warhammer Miniatures:

browse categories MTOMost people know our MTO Marketplace has awesome 3D printed minis, but a ton of offerings are NIB, built, used, and even some awesomely painted ones.

So, if you’ve been looking for a place to pick up some Used Warhammer, Forge World, or Marvel Crisis Protocol miniatures, all 15% off for a limited time as well!

You can get miniatures still on the sprues, primed, and just built. Obviously, you will save some cash from the market prices if you go with the used models. There is nothing wrong with getting the minis you want pre-built and saving some cash!

Get 15% OFF All Mystery Boxes(while they last)

mto mystery boxes

Even the lineup of in-stock mystery boxes is 15% off during this sale as well. So, if you have been on the fence about grabbing one (or more) of these, now is a great time to pull the trigger to speak.

Best of all, this discount will be applied automatically at checkout; no coupon code is necessary.

The only catch is your order will probably not ship for a week or two as we clear out our backlog from the weekend and start on sale orders. Please disregard any estimated shipping times the shopping cart may display during the duration of this sale!

This is just a sampling of what’s in the store, so you might as well go check it out and see everything in it.  Maybe best of all is that no matter which collection you shop for, they all ship from the same place, which saves you even more hobby dollars!

Click Here To Save Now!