New Display Scale First Knight Miniature Available Now!

first knightWe’ve recently added a bunch of awesome display and painter scale models to the 3D MTO Marketplace, Including the First Knight Miniature!

If you’ve been hankering for a big paint project or that perfect piece for your board or display, then this might just be exactly what you’ve been looking for! This is scaled up to 100mm, which will really let you show off your painting skills and show the world what you can do.

Plus, if you have some lenient gaming friends, they might even let you use them as a titan or something. You can grab yours here, but let’s take a closer look!

New Display Scale First Knight Miniature Available Now!

This may be the knight miniature we’ve always wanted! Do not miss 3DArtGuy’s awesome design! A multipart kit of his Patreon Exclusive- will be made for you on a high-quality resin printer.

January 3DArtGuys STLS 6

Obviously, you can get it in an actual miniature size (better for games) which you can grab here. But this is all about the big project.

First Knight Miniature

The knight of immaculate chivalry. He has dedicated his entire life in service to his liege and smites any foul monsters that dares to intrude upon their domain.

Let’s check out the specs on this display model:

first knight

  • Display Scale Command & Victory Pose: This is an 11-piece multi-part kit, including two different heads, a bare and helmeted one, plus one arm holding a helmeted head and one with a fist that makes two different poses.
  • This model is approximately 100mm (about 4″ tall) Display scale modes are NOT designed for use in wargames, and it is recommended for use as a fun painting project, or even for terrain!
  • Each model is printed to a 25-micron standard in our new Void Resin that makes 3d prints feel and act more like plastic, plus the strength benefits are amazing.

What are you waiting for? Get an awesome new painting project today!

Get Your Display Scale Model Here!