Best FREE 3D Designs For Your Hobby Game

By Juan Lopez | January 2nd, 2018 | Categories: 3D Printing, Hobby Hacks, Hobby Products

Ultramarine Painting HobbyThere’s a lot of useful tools out there to help out your hobby game, but some of the best come in free  3D printable files. Come check them out!

We’re seeing companies making more and more useful hobby tools to help you out, but some of the best we’ve found can be downloaded for FREE. After that, you simply hit print on your 3D printer and a couple hours later you have these perfect hobby tools to help take your hobby game to the next level.

Citadel Paint Bottle Cap Holder $FREE

Paint Bottle Holder preview

Everyone knows that Citadel paint pots just want to close up as soon as you open them, that’s the way they’re designed. You can always cut the pieces that connect the lid to the pot, or you can download this holder that is specifically designed to make your life easier.

Customizable parametric paint bottle holder $FREE

Paint Bottle Holder

Paint bottle holders are probably one of the fastest ways to organize your hobby area, and help it stay that way. This file has three different sizes in one convenient location, but there are a ton of other designs on Thingiverse, including stair designs,  vertical, wall mounts, and some that even include a spots to put your paint brushes.

Paint Brush Holder $FREE

Paint Brush Holder

This is one of the best paint brush holders we’ve ever come across. There’s 3 different sizes of holes for your brushes to fit in no matter how big they are. And the best part… This is a three piece design and can be completely broken down if you feel like hobbying on the go. It has a very solid design and can withstand a good amount of abuse from tumbling around in your hobby go box. If you’ve been in the market for a better way to store your brushes this may just be your answer. No matter what it sure does beat the old cup you have to dig through to find the brush size you’re wanting to use.

Ergonomic Paint Tray & Brush Holder $FREE

Paint Palette

A good paint palette is essential for any painter. This little design gives you four different spots for paint, and it even comes with a nice little slot to hold your brush while you reach for another color.

Airbrush Gun Handle $FREE

Airbrush Handle

This airbrush handle is a perfect addition to your airbrush to help take some pressure off your hand. The designer of this one said he has very large hands and has even included a second file for download for people with even bigger hands. Take the strain off a bit and spend some extra time on your minis in between breaks.

Citadel wash stand for clumsy wargamers $FREE

Wash Pot Holder

The Citadel wash stand is probably one of the best we’ve found for those hobbyist that love using the wash straight out of the pot. But then again, we’ve seen tons of pictures of spilt wash and the oh no messages attached to them. It can happen to everyone simply reaching for a different brush, or you can put a stop to split wash today! This really easy to print wash stand doesn’t take long to print, and it will save you a lot of wash in the long run.

All of these files are free to download, but you do have the option to tip the designers as a way to say thank you.

3D printers aren’t just about printing miniatures or terrain, these hobby tools are something every hobbyist should have in their beats lab. There’s a lot more designs out there to help you and your hobby needs, and two great places to look for new tools are Thingiverse and MyMiniFactory.

What do you think about these hobby tools? Did you see anything you want? Is there something you’ve seen that we should know about? Drop us a line and let us know in the comments below.

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