Share Your 40k Lists & Play Smarter: Rightful Ruler APP

rightful-rule-app-minitaurRightful Ruler is a really cool app that lets you share your 40k lists with opponents and keep track of everything going on in the game too!

The app was created by the team at Minitaur Gaming and is made to make list sharing easy. It’s always frustrating to hand your opponent a giant list of papers, containing your list. Now you can just share it in a shared room and both parties can peruse the lists easily.

The functionality will let you share your Battlescribe lists in a concise and simple fashion. The interface is super fast and it only takes seconds to get the lists in. Also, you can share the lists online with friends and for your own memory. It makes asking list building questions that much easier! And one of the best parts? It’s free to use this portion of the functionality.

But that is not all the APP does, check this out first!

What Is the Rightful Ruler App Used For?

Minitaur is changing the tabletop scene with a special video catering to 40k’s needs. From selecting deployment zones, measuring objectives, deepstrike radius, and more, all you have to do is hold up your phone, scale it to the table size you’re using, and then you’ll have a screen full of options that you can use to get your games going.

rightful ruler 1Having a phone you can just hold over the table and see instantly-highlighted deployments is just one of the amazing aspects of this coming app. You don’t have to take 5-10 minutes marking out your areas with dice anymore. By holding up your phone to the table, you’ll be able to see where you need to screen better as well as keeping each other honest on where your models need to start.

rightful ruler 2On top of everything covered above, there are also features like Length of Path for charges through tricky terrain combinations on the tabletop. They also have a setting that ignores all-terrain if you’re using an Infantry model moving through a building or have something like a jump pack.

These are just a few elements that help take the questioning out of the game. There’s also been an update for the app making Rightful Ruler 1.0! Here’s what’s changed.

Minitaur Gaming’s Rightful Ruler App Updated

Check out this video on how to use the Rightful Ruler app to help supplement your hobby. Along with this 1.0 update, there are some sweet features to explore.

rightful ruler 3As far as new mechanics go it looks like list sharing will be available for users that both have the app. You can also explore datasheets of different units as well. Something that is going to be super helpful when it comes to learning the way your opponent’s list functions on the fly. Overall, it looks like some design elements from Battlescribe and Best coast Pairings have been combined here.

It’s a huge improvement on the default sharing mode of copy-pasta from BattleScribe, because viewers can dive into every stat and ability to really see what makes your list work. Your lists get published to the domain, and upcoming versions of the app will allow scorekeeping and even woundtracking, enabling automatic blow-by-blow battle reports – as indicated by the domain name, and users will soon be able to attach photos and video to the game rooms and lists to personalize them. Subscribers will also be able to customize the interface to match the colors of their army before the end of the year.

Share Your 40k Lists with Opponents Using Rightful Ruler!

Rightful RulerThere are so many cool features with this just beyond the list sharing capabilities. You can use the features to upload battle reports, make measurements for you, and even includes unit abilities. Having all of your opponent’s rules and abilities handy not only speeds up games, but saves you from some GOTCHA moments. It would cost an insane amount of money to grab all the books, now you can have them at your fingertips! It just seems really nice to not have to constantly bug your opponent for toughness wounds, abilities, etc…

Making Battle Reports

Rightful Ruler 2You can also record all of your games, with the lists attached, and make fun little battle reports. Whether you just want to capture how you destroyed your best friend, or show the world how the game went, you can with Rightful Ruler!


Rightful Ruler 3The app can also make accurate battlefield measurements with a few supplies. If you want to see more about how this functionality works, check out the post on it here. Just another cool bit of functionality!

That does it for this amazing new function to an already great app! You can download Minitaur Gaming’s Rightful Ruler on the App store now. However, if you want to continue to show support, you can head over to their Patreon as well.

Grab the App Here!