A HUGE UPDATE: Warhammer 40k App Datasheets & More

40k APP Battle Forge UpdateFinally, Games Workshop is listening, don’t miss the latest update for the Warhammer 40k app that unlocks some datasheet functionality for FREE!

Like everyone out there, we’ve been wanting the app to do more. Well, with the newest update, announced on Warhammer Community, they are addressing one of our biggest concerns. Whether you bought the codex or not, now you get to see abbreviated datasheets for every unit in the game!

This is honestly huge. Because now, you don’t have to buy every codex to know what your opponent’s units do. This cuts down on so many of the issues with the app and matched play. You can now just bring up your opponent’s army in the app and get an idea of what every unit does.

On top of that, they are throwing tons of bugfixes in there as well. If you want to see how to actually make your lists, you can check out our step by step article here. For now, let’s dive deeper into the new functionality.

Warhammer 40k App Update! Bug Fixes & Datasheets!

DatasheetsThe amount of content on the app was a big issue among many of us. Well, now you get datasheets like the ones above for every unit in the game. That means if all you do is buy one codex for your army, you can still see what every unit in the game does. While it’s not a complete sheet with points, it will keep you up to speed with every faction. This is honestly super awesome. On top of making your games better, it will make previewing a new army you’re thinking about playing that much easier.

Also, if they just keep the app updated, your need for carrying around Chapter Approveds and the such goes way down. Let’s hear from them about it:

But now, thanks to a huge new update going live today, Warhammer 40,000: The App includes short-form datasheets for every unit in the game – whether you own their codex or not.

Each datasheet shows you the unit’s characteristics and weapons, which makes them a great way of getting a feel for how the unit performs – perfect if you’re thinking of including them in your army or simply wondering how best to obliterate them in your next game.

While it doesn’t have everything in it, this is a huge step in the right direction. On top of that, they dropped a massive amount of bug fixes.

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Bug Fixes


  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements  
  • Validation for Dedicated Transports added
  • An issue preventing certain units from being added to a Detachment for Astra Militarum, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, and Adepta Sororitas sub-factions now fixed


  • An issue causing the app to crash when changing wargear now fixed
  • Improved support for reassigning Relics
  • Loadout crashes now fixed
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements  

Android and iOS:

  • Short-form datasheets for all armies now available
  • An issue preventing some users from accessing Blood Angels content now fixed

But that’s not all. Thanks to the thousands of you that have already submitted your feedback on the Battle Forge beta, we’ve been able to issue fixes for the information pertaining to dozens of units.

There are tons and tons of units updated, go check out the post to see every unit that has been updated. Just one last thing to note, with this giant overhaul they did say some of your lists may have been deleted. While that sucks it’s a small price to pay for the added functionality.

Now we hope Trajaan is addable as the Custodes HQ finally. Fingers crossed…

Are you happy with the change? Have you checked out how the abbreviated sheets look?

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