40k Flashback – Eldar Vehicle Witchcraft

By Rob Baer | February 2nd, 2014 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Eldar

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday…

This believe it or not is the old Armorcast Eldar Wave Serpent vehicle kit that was based on the even older Epic (or Space Marine.. depending on the era) game.  That was a mouthful!

Games Workshop didn’t make a plastic Wave serpent kit until the mid 2000’s and now apparently it’s been discontinued in lieu of a rumor Falcon combo kit.  Which stinks cause Wave Serpents are actually pretty competitive now with the new Eldar 6th Edition codex!

So until then its either back to making conversions from Falcons (plastic spoon turrets are cheap), or just getting used wave serpents when you can find them.

Based on an forum post on the Lost and the Damed forum. -MBG