The Z.O.A.T! GW Reveals New 40k Zoat Rules

zoats-new-releasesThe Zoat is finally hitting store shelves soon, and now we know some of the rules that it will have for Warhammer 40k as well!

In the same fashion as the Ambull, the Zoat is getting his own rules in 40k. Before we jump into the details, you should know that this unit isn’t mean to be overly competitive in any way so don’t get your hopes up for what you’re about to see. Here’s the latest from Warhammer Community.

The Z.O.A.T: GW Reveals New 40k Zoat Rules

blackstone fortress zoat 2First things first, Zoats have the Unaligned keyword, which means that you can include them in any army. If you’re feeling nostalgic, you could add one to your Tyranids force, or if you need a hard-hitting combat monster, you could include one in your T’au Empire army. Even the notoriously xenos-hating forces of the Imperium have been known to ally with the odd Zoat.

For starters, he can be taken in any faction but comes as an Unaligned keyworded unit. Making him probably best for Open/Narrative play.

zoat 40k statlineThat’s a more than a respectable set of attributes for a mere 4 Power

We know he’s only Power Level 4, which puts him somewhere in the area of around 80-120 pts if we had to take a guess. Overall, nothing crazy about his stats, but at PL 4 that’s a decent statline.

zoat weapons 1For weapons, he’s got an 18″ beam gun that hits about like a melta gun. The weapon profile isn’t bad at all and seeing that it’s a pistol, he can still shoot in in combat.

zoat weapons 2He’s also got a profile that’s equivalent to a S10 thunder hammer which isn’t bad at all. this guy just screams anti-armor, but with the unaligned keyword, it sorta hurts.

Overall, for the Power Level and stats, he’s not bad. We don’t have an official look at his points just yet, but if he’s cheap, he might make for a few fun games.

Just remember that even though you can take him in any army, he won’t get any benefits that your faction puts out.

With the 40k tabletop rules on the Zoat revealed, will you be trying one out in your games? Have you had some fun experiences with using other Blackstone Fortress characters in the past?

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