Don’t miss the hot new Ambull rules for Warhammer 40k matched play have been spotted, as it looks like any faction can take one in their army!
Spotted on IMGUR, the datasheet for the Ambull in 40k has been revealed and there’s a keyword we noticed that got us scratching our heads: UNALIGNED.
Ambull Matched Play Points & Datasheet
Starting off, the Ambull is only 70 pts. That’s really not a bad deal for a T6 model with four D3 damage attacks and a 3+ save. This thing even has a built-in deepstrike mechanic to keep him safe until he’s needed in theory.
However, let’s go into the silliness that we spotted in that little red box. Yep, that’s right, along with fortifications, the Ambull is Unaligned.
So according to the rules in the main 40k rulebook on page 214, it looks like ANY faction can bring an Ambull.
Now, let’s look at the lore of behind the Ambull for two seconds. The Ambulls are native to a desert death world called Luther Mcintyre IX. But, you can also occasionally find an Ambull hiding in the dark recesses of the galaxy. For example, maybe on a Blackstone Fortress or a Space Hulk that hasn’t been infested with Tyranids just yet, etc. For the most part, they’re a pretty rare thing to stumble across on any other place besides their homeworld.
Ambulls For Everyone!
Because of the Unaligned keyword the Ambull carries, literally, any 40k faction can bring one in their army for only 7o pts. That means Chaos Daemons could recruit one (because the Chaos gods like them we guess)? Tyranids could recruit one (because why would they want to eat it for Biomass right)? and the Necrons can even bring one along (because everyone knows Necrons hate all life EXCEPT Ambulls).
Is there ridiculousness here?
Could our games potentially turn into a bug-cleansing mission as Ambulls are popping up out of nowhere and everybody’s got one!
Brave Primaris Lieutenant spotted clearing out an Ambull from an abandoned bunker (m.41 colorized)
Do you think we are about to see Ambull’s pop up in our games? Is 7o pts cheap compared to what you’re getting? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.