3 More Homebrew 40k Army Lists Surprise 9th Edition!

space marine drop pod fenris wolvesMore surprise homebrew 40k army lists went against the grain of the meta in recent tournaments and didn’t do too bad at all!

In just about every tournament (especially in a new edition with a settling meta) we see some players bringing lists full of units nobody expected. More often than not, these homebrews do better than one would think. Check out this batch of homebrews that popped up in tournaments over the weekend!

3 More Homebrew 40k Army Lists Surprise 9th Edition!

best coast pairings Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Into The Breach: Dayan Pozo- Minotaurs


tyranid into the breachSo this one is really interesting. Forge World’s Minotaurs were taken and used the Salamanders Chapter Tactic as their own. Hecaton Aiakos (the Minotaurs named Dread) and a melta/siege drill Leviathan were loaded into some Lucius Drop Pods and touched down right in front of the enemy from turn one.

For everything else on the ground, Asterion Moloc and a Tech Marine led a few Intercessors that were more than likely mainly used for objective grabbing. A small gun platform was formed by two Repulsor Executioners as well with the slow Techmarine probably standing between the two and healing wounds back where he could. Overall, awesome list and great job of applying pressure with Dreadnoughts to buy time for your Executioners to slap.

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Rumbles First GT: Robert Cousin- Tyranids

trygon tyranids wal hor


rumble tyranid 1


rumble tyranid 2So we’ve seen a list similar to this do very well in other 9th Edition tournaments recently. It seems like Tyranid players are starting to get the feel of their army in the new edition and it comes with a mix of psychic bugs and Exocrines.

A Hive Flyrant with Devourers was taken because he’s still pretty much an auto-include. However, a Malanthrope and Neurothrope made it into the list as well and led two squads of five Zoanthropes. With these units all combined, they were able to dish out some serious mortal woundage in the psychic phase and even heal a couple of wounds thanks to the Spirit Leech from the Neurtothrope.

Moving on, Ripper Swarms were taken to grab objectives that were uncontested, Spore Mines were used to create space on the tabletop and act as a speed bump for the enemy. Finally, Exocrines hung out in the backfield with the Hive Guard and pelted multi-wound units that stepped into range.

YHP Labor Day: Mark “Gator” Hurtel- White Scars

RUMORS: Next Space Marine Chapter Codex Named White Scars


white scar yhp 1

Finishing it up with White Scars, this is definitely one of the more “off the wall” White Scars lists we’ve seen. Here’s how it may have worked.

white scar yhp 2Scouts from a Battalion led by a Captain on Bike, a Chaplain, and a regular LT were loaded into some Land Speeder Storms. One Scout unit probably hung back on the objective in the deployment while the three inside the Land Speeders shot up the board. These guys were super quick and protected thanks to their cheap Transport getting them up the board. To cover their advance, a quad lascannon Contemptor made it onto the board and hunted down any armor that might have been in his field of vision. Centurions were also taken but instead of the ol’ flamer build from 8th Edition, these guys all had melta and literally melted anything that they managed to get in range of.

Finally, three Devastators all with grave were split between walking, taking a Drop Pod, and taking a Rhino. The one on foot probably got hated on the most but it did force the opponent to pick between the Centurions of Devastators to kill. Meanwhile, the Drop Pod squad could drop down in an instant and melt some poorly placed armor. The squad in the Rhino was just a follow-up version of that probably hopping out by turn two or three to get their hands dirty.

Great list.

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