Don’t miss GW’s big FAQ update on what’s changing in 9th Edition 40k and more teasers for the incoming release just a few weeks away?
If you missed it, Games Workshop gave us nine points of 9th Edition which we’ve covered once before. On top of this, they answered some FAQs from the community on what the new rules set will look like. Using both of these, we can look at how things may be different from 8th.
Everything We Know About 9th Edition: HIGHLIGHTS
We’ll be pulling out the main talking points. But like anything you want to know the full scoop on, be sure to check out the FAQ below for yourself!
Every Army & Every Game Has Changed
No matter which faction you play, you haven’t been untouched. While bigger factions like Space Marines will probably have way more changes than the Ynnari overall, each game should feel different.
This is probably because things like terrain work, the amount of CP we get (which is supposed to be more), etc.
Core Rules Are Free For Anyone
GW looks like they’re turning over a new leaf in this edition releasing the rules for free. If we had to take a guess, this will come as an online PDF download. The appeal for the full rulebook outside the core rules would obviously be new missions and lore.
We’ve Finally Got a Timeline on the New FW Indexes
We saw that the Forge World Indexes are getting reprinted with updated rules. We just didn’t know when they’d actually drop. However, now we know that 9th Edition has to release before these books hit the shelves.
Your Codexes & Psychic Awakening Books Aren’t Obsolete
If you’ve got a codex and a Psychic Awakening book in your army, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to use all the content from them according to GW.
Guaranteed Changes Coming
While we will be starting out with compatible books, at some point a new Codex is going to drop. Along with that, we should be seeing points shifted more. But speaking of points, it’ll be toward a broader spectrum of different game sizes.
Everyone knows the standard game size for 40k is 2,000 points, but now the game is balance across more sizes. Want to play a quick hour game? Go for it. New balance brings new options, you no longer have to dedicate huge amounts of time to play, you can squeeze in quick games when you want to!
GW All But Confirms a Box Set
With an answer like that, they’ve all but confirmed a new Box Set dropping with 9th Edition. Could it be the new Primaris and Necrons we saw during the previews?
9th Edition Still Going To Have Regular Marines
GW isn’t killing off the old Marines in the new Edition. They’ve said they’ll be ready for play as soon as the new rules hit. With that said, there’s no mention of any new single-wound Marines coming so take that for what it’s worth. Plus, you can still technically play the units that got sent to Warhammer Legends (AKA they’re final resting place).
9th Could Be Closer Than We Thought
GW also said that the release is just a few weeks off. Keyword being “weeks”. If you’re pumped but need to give your wallet a rest, be sure you’re prepared for this Edition to hit sooner than you might’ve first expected.
9th Edition 40k FAQ: GW Reveals What’s Changing & More
As we said before, these are just a few key highlights and we recommend you read everything yourself. With all of this covered, 9th Edition is looking spicy for sure.
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What do you think about a new 40k Edition? Are there certain game phases that desperately need a rework? Should more rules be added for depth or should the game be simplified more?
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